20 Top Premium WordPress Themes Providers of 2023

WordPress Themes Providers

Looking to elevate your website’s appearance with sophistication or casual styling? Look no further, as you have a plethora of WordPress Themes Providers available to meet your specific business requirements efficiently and effectively. When it comes to WordPress themes, they can be divided into two categories: free and paid, with the latter being known as […]

How to Detect and Remove WordPress SEO Spam

WordPress SEO Spam

WordPress SEO spam is an aggressive attack wherein hackers get into your WordPress site and load it with spammy links. They can impact your website’s reputation and traffic because they are frequently used to promote low-quality or even hazardous websites.  Sucuri claims that 4.3% of WordPress websites that SiteCheck, a well-known website security scanner, checked […]

WordPress Security Checklist: 15 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website 

WordPress security

“Empowering 42% of the Entire Internet” – WordPress.org In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, where the power of the internet reigns supreme, one content management system stands tall as a dominant force, empowering an astonishing 42% of all websites on the world wide web. That juggernaut is none other than WordPress – the versatile and […]