Demystifying PHP Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

PHP, a renowned server-side scripting language, powers a significant portion of the web. However, like any other programming language, this programming language is not immune to errors. PHP errors are managed distinctively based on the site environment. During the development and testing phases, errors are directly presented in the browser for immediate user visibility. In the live environment, PHP errors are concealed from users but are meticulously logged.

In this blog post, we’ll explore common PHP errors, providing a brief description and examples to help you better understand and troubleshoot them.

Types of PHP Errors 

php error

1. Parse Error

A parse error pops up when the PHP interpreter encounters a syntax error in the code. This PHP error indicates a mistake in the structure of the code that prevents it from being understood and executed.


<?php echo "Hello World" ?>

In this example, the missing semicolon after the echo statement results in a parse error.

2. Fatal Error

Fatal errors are severe issues that stop the script execution. These PHP errors often stem from critical problems, such as calling an undefined function or class, making it impossible for the script to continue running.


<?php undefinedFunction(); echo "This will not be executed."; ?> 

The absence of the undefinedFunction() causes a fatal error, terminating the script.

3. Warning

Warnings are non-fatal errors that allow the script to continue executing. They typically highlight potential issues, such as using an undefined variable, but do not halt the script.


<?php $undefinedVariable; echo $undefinedVariable; ?>

The usage of $undefinedVariable triggers a warning, but the script continues to execute.

4. Notice

Similar to warnings, notices are less severe and don’t halt script execution. They often occur when trying to access undefined array keys or variables.


<?php $myArray = array(); echo $myArray['nonexistentKey']; ?>

Accessing an undefined key in $myArray results in a notice.

5. Deprecated

Deprecated errors warn that a feature or function is outdated and may be removed in future PHP versions. Developers are encouraged to replace deprecated code to ensure compatibility.


<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password"); ?>

The use of the deprecated mysql_connect function triggers a deprecated warning.

6. Type Error

Type errors occur when a function or operation is performed on incompatible data types. This can include trying to perform mathematical operations on non-numeric values.


<?php $result = "10" + 5; ?>

Adding a string and an integer triggers a type error.

7. Undefined Index

Undefined Index error occurs when trying to access an array element using an index that doesn’t exist in the array. It indicates an attempt to retrieve data from an undefined position in an array.


<?php $myArray = array('key' => 'value'); echo $myArray['nonexistentKey'];

Accessing nonexistentKey in $myArray results in an undefined index error.

8. Division by Zero

Division by zero errors happen when attempting to divide a number by zero. This is mathematically undefined and leads to a runtime error.


<?php $result = 10 / 0;

Dividing by zero leads to a division by zero error, which halts the script execution.

How Does PHP Error Affect the Performance of a Website? 

php errors

PHP errors, especially if not handled properly, can significantly affect the performance of a website by disrupting execution, increasing response times, consuming resources, and impacting user experience. It is imperative for developers to implement robust error-handling mechanisms and address issues promptly to maintain optimal website performance. PHP errors can have several implications on the performance of a website:

1. Execution Disruption

  • Impact: Fatal errors halt script execution, causing the entire page or application to stop functioning.
  • Performance Effect: Severe errors can result in downtime, negatively impacting user experience and the website’s availability.

2. Response Time

  • Impact: Displaying errors directly to users in the browser during development or testing can slow down page loading times.
  • Performance Effect: Increased response times may frustrate users and hinder the overall efficiency of the website.

3. Resource Consumption

  • Impact: Continuous occurrence of errors can consume server resources as the system must handle and log these errors.
  • Performance Effect: Resource-intensive error-handling processes may lead to slower response times and increased server load.

4. Logging Overhead

  • Impact: Logging errors, especially in production environments, incur additional I/O operations and storage.
  • Performance Effect: Frequent and extensive logging can affect disk I/O and storage capacity, potentially impacting the overall performance of the server.

5. Debugging Overhead

  • Impact: Enabling extensive debugging features, like detailed error messages and stack traces, can add overhead during development.
  • Performance Effect: While valuable for debugging, these features may introduce latency during the development and testing phases.

6. User Experience

  • Impact: Errors displayed to end-users, even in a non-fatal manner, can lead to confusion and frustration.
  • Performance Effect: Poor user experience may result in decreased engagement and negatively impact the website’s reputation.

7. Security Risks

  • Impact: Certain errors may expose sensitive information, providing potential attackers with insights into the system’s configuration.
  • Performance Effect: Addressing security vulnerabilities introduced by error messages may require additional development time and resources.

Troubleshooting PHP Errors

Troubleshooting PHP errors effectively involves a systematic approach to identifying, understanding, and resolving issues. Here are steps you can take to troubleshoot PHP errors:

1. Enable Error Reporting

Set error_reporting to E_ALL in your PHP configuration for comprehensive error reporting. In development, enable display_errors to see errors directly in the browser.

2. Check the Error Message 

Carefully read the error message. It often includes details like the file, line number, and the nature of the error.

3. Inspect the Code at the Error Location

Examine the code around the reported error location, paying attention to syntax and logic.

inspect php error

4. Use Debugging Tools

Utilize debugging tools like Xdebug or Zend Debugger for step-by-step code execution and variable inspection.

Also Read: Learn To Debug PHP With Xdebug And VsCode In 2023

5. Log Errors

Logging PHP errors is crucial for debugging and monitoring. Set up PHP to log errors to a file using the error_log directive or utilize server logs for additional information. Check the error log for additional details on errors that might not be displayed in the browser.

log error

6. Handle Exceptions

Implement exception handling to gracefully manage errors. Use try, catch, and blocks to handle exceptions.

7. Review Recent Changes

Identify recent code changes. New additions or modifications might be causing the error.

8. Check Server Logs

Inspect server logs (e.g., Apache or Nginx) for any relevant information about the error or issues with the server configuration.

9. Verify PHP Version Compatibility

Ensure your code is compatible with the PHP version you are using. Incompatibilities can lead to unexpected errors. There are online tools and libraries that can analyze your codebase and provide insights into its compatibility with different PHP versions. For example, tools like PHPCompatibility can help identify version-specific issues.

Major VersionPHP CompatibilityInitial ReleaseEnd of Bugfix Support
PHPUnit 10>= PHP 8.1February 3, 2023February 7, 2025
PHPUnit 9>= PHP 7.3February 7, 2020February 2, 2024
PHPUnit 8>= PHP 7.2February 1, 2019February 3, 2023
PHPUnit 7PHP 7.1 – PHP 7.3February 2, 2018February 7, 2020
PHPUnit 6PHP 7.0 – PHP 7.2February 3, 2017February 1, 2019
PHPUnit 5PHP 5.6 – PHP 7.1October 2, 2015February 2, 2018
PHPUnit 4PHP 5.3 – PHP 5.6March 7, 2014February 3, 2017

10. Use Online Resources

various online forums, community groups, and Q&A websites (e.g., Stack Overflow) are excellent resources for seeking help with PHP errors. Sharing details about the error and code snippets can expedite the troubleshooting process. 

11. Test on Different Environments

Replicate the issue on different environments (e.g., development, staging) to determine if it’s environment-specific.

php error

Also Read: PHP Unit Testing Using PHPUnit Framework: A Comprehensive Guide

12. Check External Dependencies

If your code is dependent on external libraries or services, ensure they are properly configured and up to date. To do that, make use of code editors and IDE

13. Memory Issues

If your script fails with memory-related errors, consider adjusting PHP’s memory_limit in your configuration.

14. Review Permissions

Verify that file and directory permissions are set correctly, especially if the error involves file access.

else) :

0cannot read, write or execute
1can only execute
2can only write
3can write and execute
4can only read
5can read and execute
6can read and write
7can read, write and execute

                                                Source: PHP Tutorial

15. Update Software

Ensure that PHP, your web server, and any relevant frameworks or libraries are updated to the latest versions.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About WordPress PHP 8.1 Upgrade

16. Use Version Control

If you use version control (e.g., Git), review previous commits to identify when the error was introduced. It allows developers to track changes, identify when an error was introduced, and roll back to a stable state if needed.


17. Consult Documentation

Refer to the documentation for the specific PHP functions or libraries involved in the error. Understand their usage and requirements.

18. Seek Professional Help

If the issue persists, consider seeking assistance from forums, community groups, development companies, or hiring a professional developer for a fresh perspective.

Also Read: How To Protect Against PHP SQL Injection Attacks


Navigating and resolving PHP errors is an essential skill for developers striving to build robust and reliable websites and applications. Understanding the nature of various errors allows developers to implement proactive strategies for troubleshooting and debugging. By enabling comprehensive error reporting, using debugging tools, and adopting best practices for error handling, developers can streamline the troubleshooting process.


Should PHP errors be displayed to users in a live environment?

It’s not recommended to display PHP errors directly to users in a live environment. Instead, log errors for later review and maintain a more professional appearance for end-users.

What’s the difference between a warning and a notice in PHP?

Warnings are non-fatal errors that allow the script to continue, while notices are less severe. Both indicate issues like using undefined variables or array keys.

How can I stay informed about PHP best practices, errors, and updates?

Stay connected with the PHP community and follow relevant forums, blogs, and official documentation. Participating in discussions and attending conferences can provide insightful details into best practices and emerging trends.

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