Common HTML Errors to Avoid & How to Check Them

Embarking on the creation of a website is an artistry that commences with the foundational strokes of HTML code that don’t let HTML errors hinder the performance. This integral language not only forms the backbone of every webpage but also serves as the canvas upon which the intricate details of design, functionality, and user experience unfold. A mastery of clean HTML coding is akin to an architect’s precision in laying the groundwork for a structure—each element, from tags to attributes, adds to the overall integrity of the digital landscape.

In this digital age, where user expectations are high and attention spans are fleeting, the importance of crafting error-free HTML cannot be overstated. A well-structured HTML document not only ensures seamless rendering across diverse browsers but also lays the groundwork for enhanced accessibility, search engine optimization, and future scalability. As we navigate the labyrinth of web development, avoiding HTML errors becomes paramount in creating a virtual realm that not only captivates but functions harmoniously for users across the vast expanse of the internet.

Need to Check For HTML Errors 

html errors

Checking for HTML errors is a fundamental practice in web development with far-reaching implications for the user experience and overall functioning of a website. First and foremost, identifying and rectifying HTML errors is crucial for ensuring cross-browser compatibility. Various browsers may interpret HTML code differently, and errors in the code can lead to inconsistencies in rendering. Regularly checking for errors using tools like validators helps developers identify and rectify issues early in the development process, promoting a consistent and reliable experience for users across different browsers and devices.

Moreover, HTML errors can have a direct impact on a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Search engines rely on well-structured and error-free HTML to index and rank web pages accurately. By eliminating errors, developers enhance the visibility of their websites in search engine results, potentially attracting more visitors. In essence, the meticulous process of checking for HTML errors not only ensures a seamless and uniform presentation of content but also contributes significantly to the discoverability and accessibility of a website on the vast landscape of the internet.

How to Check for HTML errors? 

1. Use Online Validators

W3C Markup Validation Service

Utilize online HTML validators, such as the W3C Markup Validation Service. Copy and paste your HTML code into these tools, and they will identify errors, offering insights on how to rectify them.

2. Browser Developer Tools

inspect feature

Most modern browsers come equipped with Developer Tools. Right-click on your webpage, select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element,” and navigate to the “Console” tab. Any HTML errors will be displayed here.

3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Linters

visual code editor

If you’re using an IDE for web development, it likely has built-in linters that can highlight HTML errors as you code. Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text are examples of IDEs with robust web development support.

4. Online Code Editors

Platforms like CodePen or JSFiddle often have real-time error checking. As you code, these editors highlight HTML errors, providing immediate feedback on potential issues.

5. Browser Extensions

validity chrome extension

Consider browser extensions that offer HTML validation. Extensions like “HTML Validator” for Firefox or “Validity” for Chrome can check for errors directly in your browser.

6. Command-Line Tools

Command-line tools like htmlhint or tidy can be integrated into your development workflow to automatically identify and fix HTML errors.

7. Editor Configurations

Configure your text editor to recognize HTML errors. Many editors allow you to install extensions or plugins that provide on-the-fly error checking as you type.

8. Markup Analysis Tools

Nu Html Checker

Some tools analyze the entire structure of your HTML for potential issues. They not only check for syntax errors but also assess the overall document structure. One such tool is the Nu Html Checker (NuHTMLChecker).

9. Accessibility Validators

While not specific to HTML errors, tools like Axe Accessibility Checker can identify HTML-related issues affecting accessibility, which is an essential aspect of web development.

10. Manual Review

Lastly, perform a manual review of your HTML code. Take the time to carefully inspect your code for syntax errors, misspelled tags, and other common mistakes.

Combining these methods ensures a thorough examination of your HTML code, helping you catch and address errors efficiently.

How does HTML Errors Affect Website Performance? 

HTML errors can hamper various aspects of website performance, ranging from visual presentation and page loading speed to SEO and overall user experience. Regularly checking and addressing HTML errors is a crucial step in optimizing your website for performance and ensuring a positive online presence.

  • Rendering Issues:

HTML errors may cause inconsistencies in how browsers interpret and render your web pages. This can lead to visual glitches, layout problems, or even prevent certain elements from displaying correctly. A seamless user experience relies on error-free HTML to ensure consistent rendering across different browsers and devices.

  • Page Load Speed:

Errors in HTML code can hinder the optimal loading speed of your web pages. Browsers may struggle to parse erroneous code, leading to delays in rendering and, consequently, slowing down the overall page load time. In an era where users expect swift access to content, addressing HTML errors is pivotal for maintaining optimal performance.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Search engines rely on well-structured HTML to index and understand the content of web pages. HTML errors can disrupt the indexing process, potentially impacting the website’s search engine ranking. Maintaining a clean HTML codebase is essential for effective SEO, ensuring that search engines can accurately assess and rank the relevance of your content.

  • User Experience:

HTML errors can negatively impact the overall user experience. Broken links, misaligned elements, or non-functional features resulting from HTML errors can frustrate visitors and lead to a higher bounce rate. A seamless and error-free HTML structure contributes significantly to a positive user experience, encouraging user engagement and retention.

  • Accessibility Challenges:

Errors in HTML may affect the accessibility of your website, making it challenging for users with disabilities to navigate and understand the content. Well-structured HTML, free from errors, contributes to a more accessible web environment, catering to a diverse audience.

10 Effective Ways to Avoid HTML Errors 

1. Use a Doctype Declaration

DOCTYPE declaration

Include a proper DOCTYPE declaration at the beginning of your HTML document to ensure browsers interpret your code correctly.

2. Nest Tags Properly

Ensure that HTML tags are properly nested, with opening and closing tags in the correct order, to maintain the document structure.

3. Close All Tags

Every HTML tag must have a corresponding closing tag or be self-closing if applicable. Failure to close tags can lead to errors.

4. Attribute Quotes

attributes in html

                                                                     Source: Coder DOJO

Always use quotes around attribute values. For example, use class= “example” instead of class=example.

5. Validate Your HTML

Use online HTML validators to check your code for errors. Tools like the W3C Markup Validation Service can help identify and fix issues.

6. Check for Case Sensitivity

HTML is case-insensitive, but it’s good practice to be consistent. Choose either uppercase or lowercase for your tags and stick with them throughout your document.

7. Use Alt Attributes for Images

alt text

Include descriptive alt attributes for images to enhance accessibility and provide information if the image fails to load.

8. Escape Special Characters

Use HTML entities or character references for special characters to prevent interpretation issues. For example, use &lt; for < and &gt; for >.

9. Properly Structure Forms

config file

Ensure that your forms have the correct structure, including necessary form elements like labels, input fields, and submit buttons.

Also Read: How To Create A Form In WordPress Without A Plugin

10. Test Cross-Browser Compatibility

Routinely test your website in different browsers to catch and address any rendering issues specific to certain browsers.


Ensuring clean and error-free HTML is crucial for a seamless web experience. Where precision and attention to detail are paramount, the significance of vigilant HTML error checking cannot be overstated. As we navigate the digital realm, striving for seamless user experiences and optimal performance, addressing and preventing HTML errors emerges as a linchpin in this dynamic process.

Also Read: How To Make A Website With HTML: From Start To End 


Why is it important to validate HTML?

HTML validation ensures that your code adheres to standards, minimizing potential rendering issues across different browsers.

What happens if HTML tags are not properly nested?

Improperly nested tags can lead to unpredictable rendering and functionality issues on a webpage.

How can I check for HTML errors?

Online HTML validators, such as the W3C Markup Validation Service, can help you identify and fix errors in your HTML code.

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