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How do I create a 301 redirect on WordPress

As is often the case, a significant number of WordPress CMS users frequently find themselves pondering the question, “How can I establish a 301 redirect on WordPress?” From our standpoint, this task holds substantial importance, particularly in the realm of SEO for various projects or websites.

A “301 redirect” may seem deceptively simple, yet it wields remarkable power in preserving the integrity of your website’s SEO rankings, enhancing user experience, and effectively managing alterations in content. In this all-encompassing guide, we shall guide you step by step through the process of crafting a 301 redirect on WordPress. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your website maintains its accessibility and user-friendliness while retaining its visibility on search engines.

Now, let’s dive right into it.

What is a 301 Redirect?

In web development, a 301 redirect is a status code for a permanent redirect used to notify browsers and search engines that a certain page has permanently relocated to a new destination. This redirection is vital when you’ve updated a URL, changed your website’s structure, or merged two web pages into one. With a proper 301 redirect, visitors and search engines might stay on the right page, resulting in a better user experience and a drop in SEO rankings.

And in WordPress?

Now, imagine you want to make a change in your WordPress blog URL structure. For example, change the URL of an article that is popular in search engines and fetch a lot of traffic on your blog.

Many professionals simply make the change, not thinking about the impact on the user and Google. In these cases, usually, this change with redirection will help the positioning of the old URL, and the website gains a good amount of visitors.

To avoid this loss of visits and references, use the 301 redirection solution.

In WordPress, we have some very interesting plugins to work with.

The Importance of 301 Redirects in SEO

Verifying that your website appears high on search engine results pages (SERPs) is a crucial part of effective SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). 301 redirects play a crucial role in maintaining your SEO efforts by preserving the equity of the old page and transferring it to the new one. Here’s why they are essential:

  • Preserve Link Juice: When you use a 301 redirect to move a previous URL to a new one, you transfer the link authority (or “link juice”) of the old page to the new one. This helps maintain your search engine rankings.
  • User Experience: 301 redirects ensure that visitors who click on outdated or incorrect links are automatically directed to the correct page, improving user satisfaction.
  • Avoid Duplicate Content: By redirecting old URLs to new ones, you prevent the creation of duplicate content, which can harm your SEO efforts.

WordPress SEO

Natively, you can use SEO WordPress to create a 301 redirect from one page or article to any other address. Just access the edition of that article and click on the Advanced tab:

404 Links discovered

Then you will see at the end of a call box item “301 redirect”. Just enter the address you want to point to this URL.


A very good WordPress plugin for 301 Redirection, which, in addition to redirecting, enables:

  • 404 Error monitoring
  • 404 Errors for RSS Feed
  • Redirects log
  • Automatically makes a 301 redirect when you change the URL of an article.
  • Regular expression support
old location
301 redirection

What only excites me a little is that it failed to receive support—something that is not good for anyone concerned about security.

SEO Redirection

This is the plugin that we are using whenever required. Quite liked the proximity of features that existed in the “Redirection” we saw above.

It also features:

  • Redirects to create 301 and 302
  • Folder redirection creation and all that exists within – something very much for migration
  • Creating redirects with regular expressions
  • 404 Error monitoring and the ability to redirect the errors found
SEO 301 redirection
SEO 301 redirection
SEO 301 redirection
SEO 301 redirection

We hope you enjoyed the guide!

Create 301 redirects on WordPress

Creating 301 Redirects With AIOSEO Plugin

To redirect using the AIOSEO plugin you need a premium subscription.

  • Go to All in One SEO > Redirects.
  • Click the Add Redirect button.
  • Enter the old URL in the Source URL field.
  • Enter the new URL in the Target URL field.
  • Select 301 – Moved Permanently from the Redirect Type drop-down menu.
  • Click the Add Redirect button.

Creating 301 Redirects With Redirection Plugin

Redirection is a free plugin to use forever.

  • Go to Tools > Redirection.
  • Click the Add New button.
  • Enter the old URL in the Source URL field.
  • Enter the new URL in the Target URL field.
  • Select 301 – Moved Permanently from the Group drop-down menu.
  • Click the Add Redirect button.

Creating 301 Redirects With Simple 301 Redirects Plugin

301 Redirect plugin has both free and premium features to use, but you don’t need a premium subscription to use redirection. 

301 redirects
  • Go to Settings > 301 Redirects.
  • Click the Add New button.
  • Enter the old URL in the Request field.
  • Enter the new URL in the Destination field.
  • Click the Add Redirect button.

Creating 301 Redirects Manually Using .htaccess

Users of WordPress may also configure 301-redirects by making changes to the .htaccess web server configuration file.

Please be aware that a little error in your.htaccess code might render your WordPress site unavailable and cause it to display the Internal Server Error.

You should thus always make a backup of your.htaccess file before making any modifications.

Redirect 301 /old-url /new-url

Replace /old-url with the old URL that you want to redirect and /new-url with the new URL that you want to redirect to.


Understanding how to create a 301-redirect on WordPress is a valuable skill for website owners and administrators. By implementing 301-redirects correctly, you can ensure a seamless user experience, preserve your SEO rankings, and effectively manage content changes. Whether you choose to use a plugin or edit the .htaccess file, the process is relatively straightforward, and the benefits are substantial.

By following best practices and regularly monitoring your website’s redirects, you can maintain a well-organized and user-friendly WordPress site while safeguarding its SEO performance.

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FAQs on 301 Redirect

What’s the difference between a 301 redirect and other types of redirects?

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect, informing both browsers and search engines that a page has been permanently moved to a new URL. A temporary relocation is indicated by other redirects, such as 302 (temporary) redirects, which could not transmit SEO authority.

Can I create 301 redirects for multiple pages at once?

Yes, if you’re using a plugin like “Redirection,” you can create multiple 301-redirects simultaneously by importing a CSV file containing the old and new URLs.

Are 301 redirects bad for SEO?

No, when utilized properly, 301-redirects are not detrimental to SEO. When you make adjustments to the layout or content of your website, they are crucial for maintaining SEO equity.

How often should I audit my 301 redirects?

It’s a good practice to audit your 301-redirects periodically, especially when making significant changes to your website. Regular checks ensure that your redirects remain relevant and effective.

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