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How To Create Custom permalinks For Better CTRs? 

Permalinks are the permanent URLs that point to particular pages, posts, or other content on your website. They play a fundamental role in SEO, user experience, and overall site organization. Creating custom permalinks stands as a pivotal skill in customization. While WordPress offers default permalink structures, customizing them can bring changes to both the functionality and aesthetics of your site. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of creating custom permalinks in WordPress, empowering you to tailor your website’s URLs to your exact specifications.

Understanding Permalinks

Before diving into customization, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of permalinks in WordPress. By default, WordPress generates permalinks based on the post ID or date and post name. However, these structures might not always align with your preferences or SEO objectives. Custom permalinks allow you to craft URLs that are concise, descriptive, and optimized for search engines.

Descriptive and well-structured URLs can potentially increase click-through rates (CTR) in search engine results pages and social media shares. When users see a URL that accurately reflects the content they are looking for, they are more likely to click on it.

Custom permalinks enable you to maintain consistency with your brand messaging and website structure. You can structure your URLs to align with your brand’s identity and content organization, contributing to a cohesive online presence.

Steps to Create a Custom Permalink Structure

WordPress provides flexibility in designing custom permalink structures. The steps below can help you to create a custom permalink structure: 

Step #1: Accessing Permalink Section 

To begin, navigate to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you’ll find various permalink options like Plain, Day and name, Month and name, Numeric, Post name, and custom structure. 

Custom Permalink

Step #2: Advanced Customization 

For advanced customization, select the “Custom Structure” option, where you can define your own permalink format using tags like %postname% or %category%.

Permalink tags serve as placeholders for dynamic content elements within your URLs. Understanding these tags allows you to construct highly personalized permalink structures. Some commonly used tags include:

  • %year%: Signifies the year the post was published.
  • %monthnum%: Signifies the month of the year the post was published.
  • %day%: Signifies the day of the month the post was published.
  • %postname%: Signifies the post slug or title.
  • %category%: Signifies the category of the post.
  • %author%: Signifies the author’s username.
Custom Permalink

Once you’ve determined your desired permalink structure and selected the appropriate tags, it’s time to implement your custom permalinks. Enter your chosen structure in the “Custom Structure” field, ensuring you include relevant permalink tags. For example, a custom permalink structure for posts might resemble “/%category%/%postname%/” to include both the category and post name in the URL.

Step #3: Testing and Optimization

After applying your custom permalinks, thoroughly test your website to ensure that URLs are generated correctly and function as expected. Pay close attention to any 404 errors or redirection issues that may arise. Additionally, consider the SEO implications of your permalink structure, aiming for URLs that are concise, keyword-rich, and easily understandable to both visitors and search engines.

Step #6: Updating Existing Content

When implementing custom permalinks in WordPress, it’s essential to consider how these changes will impact existing content on your website. Since permalinks serve as the permanent URLs for your posts and pages, altering them can potentially disrupt existing links and result in 404 errors for visitors trying to access outdated URLs.

To mitigate this issue, it’s crucial to update existing content to reflect the new permalink structure. WordPress offers plugins to automatically redirect old URLs to their corresponding custom permalinks, ensuring that visitors are seamlessly redirected to the correct page. You can achieve this functionality using plugins like “Redirection” or “Simple 301 Redirects.” These plugins allow you to set up 301 redirects manually, redirecting old URLs to their corresponding custom permalinks. More details on this can be found below. 

Custom Permalink

Additionally, manually updating permalinks for individual posts and pages within the WordPress editor allows for greater control and precision. This process involves navigating to each post or page, accessing the permalink settings, and adjusting the URL to align with the new custom structure.

Furthermore, updating existing content provides an opportunity to optimize permalinks for improved SEO performance. By incorporating relevant keywords and descriptive terms into URLs, you can enhance the visibility and discoverability of your content, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your website.

Step #7: Monitoring and Refinement

As your website evolves, periodically revisit your permalink structure to recheck that it remains aligned with your goals and content organization. Monitor site analytics and user feedback to identify areas for refinement or optimization. WordPress plugins such as Yoast SEO or Rank Math offer additional insights and tools for managing permalinks and maximizing SEO benefits.

Custom Permalink

Set Up Permalink Redirects

Adjusting your permalink structure, modifying author slugs, or crafting custom permalinks can inadvertently trigger 404 errors, disrupting user experience and SEO efforts.

To preemptively resolve this issue, implementing permalink redirects from old to new URLs becomes imperative.

The simplest method involves leveraging the All in One SEO plugin, renowned for its SEO prowess and trusted by millions of WordPress websites.

With its robust redirection manager addon, AIOSEO empowers users to seamlessly handle 301 redirects, rectify 404 errors, and more.

Upon installation, users gain access to an intuitive interface within the WordPress dashboard, facilitating effortless management and creation of permalink redirects.

Moreover, AIOSEO’s functionality extends to monitoring and addressing 404 error pages, providing a safety net for any missed redirects and facilitating prompt resolution.

By integrating permalink redirects and proactive error management, website owners can maintain site integrity, uphold SEO performance, and ensure a seamless user experience throughout transitions.

How to Create Fully Custom Permalinks in WordPress? 

While existing methods offer some level of permalink customization in WordPress, they fall short when it comes to creating entirely custom permalinks.

This limitation stems from WordPress’s default functionality, which lacks support for such extensive customization.

Fortunately, a solution exists in the form of a plugin tailored to this specific need. If you seek to redefine the default URL structure for specific sections of your website, this plugin is your ally.

Step #1: First, install and activate the Custom Permalinks plugin

Step #2: Once activated, navigate to the post you wish to customize and locate the ‘Custom Permalink’ box beneath the editor. Within this box, rather than modifying the permalink as usual, you’ll discover an option to craft a bespoke permalink tailored to your preferences.

Step #3: Similarly, customizing permalinks for categories follows a straightforward process. Head to the Posts » Categories page and select the ‘Edit’ link beneath the desired category.

Custom Permalink

Within the category details page, you’ll encounter the option to devise a custom permalink exclusively for that specific category. Additionally, you can opt to create a URL devoid of the category base prefix, further enhancing customization possibilities.

To manage or deactivate custom permalinks, navigate to Custom Permalinks » Post Type Permalinks in the admin sidebar. Here, you can selectively delete custom permalinks by choosing the desired ones and selecting the ‘Delete permalinks’ option from the ‘Bulk Actions’ drop-down menu.

Upon clicking ‘Apply,’ the plugin promptly removes the specified custom permalinks, reverting to your default permalink structure.

Step #4: For managing and bulk deletion of taxonomy permalinks, simply access Custom Permalinks » Taxonomies Permalinks and follow the same intuitive steps outlined above.

Custom Permalink

By harnessing the power of the Custom Permalinks plugin, WordPress users gain unprecedented control over their website’s URL structure, enabling seamless integration of fully customized permalinks tailored to their unique requirements.


By mastering the art of custom permalinks in WordPress, you unlock a powerful tool for enhancing SEO, user experience, and site organization. Whether you’re launching a new website or fine-tuning an existing one, custom permalinks offer unparalleled flexibility in shaping your site’s URL structure to suit your unique needs and objectives. Embrace experimentation, stay informed on best practices, and watch as your WordPress site flourishes with optimized, user-friendly URLs.


How do custom permalinks impact SEO and CTRs?

Custom permalinks can positively impact SEO by including relevant keywords in URLs, which search engines consider when ranking pages. Additionally, clear and concise URLs enhance the user experience, making it simpler for visitors to understand the content of a page and encouraging them to click through.

Is it possible to change permalinks for existing content, and will it affect SEO? 

Yes, it is possible to change permalinks for existing content in WordPress. However, it’s essential to set up 301 redirects from old URLs to new ones to get an assurance that search engines and visitors are directed to the right content. While changing permalinks may have a temporary impact on SEO, implementing redirects can mitigate any negative effects and ultimately improve SEO over time.

Will changing permalinks affect my website’s rankings in search engines?

Changing permalinks may initially cause fluctuations in search engine rankings as search engines reindex your website’s content. However, implementing 301 redirects from old URLs to new ones can help preserve SEO equity and minimize any negative impacts on rankings. Over time, custom permalinks optimized for better CTRs can account for improved search engine visibility and rankings.

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