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How Does Core Web Vitals Impact Blog SEO?

Core web vitals are important page experience metrics used by Google to understand website performance in terms of speed, interactivity, and visual stability of a webpage. 

Google’s search algorithm now includes Core Web Vitals, which was first introduced in 2021

Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a concept that Google created and implemented after discovering that consumers prefer and are more likely to convert to websites that provide an excellent user experience

Websites can improve their quality and rank higher in Google search results by using technical SEO that raises their CWV scores. 

More search engine results may show up for websites with “Good” Core Web Vital ratings than for those with “Poor” ratings.

There is a lot to talk about in Core Web Vital, so let’s get right into it!

What are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are three key metrics that gauge how fast, interactive, and visually stable a web page is. These metrics are significant for search engine optimization (SEO), as they influence how well your website ranks in search results and impact user satisfaction.

In a Nutshell, Core Web Vitals form part of Google’s assessment of your webpage’s overall user experience. They are crucial indicators of your page’s performance.

The Three Core Web Vitals Are:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This determines how fast a page’s biggest content element loads. For a positive user experience, LCP should take less than 2.5 seconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This measures the extent to which a page’s layout shifts unexpectedly during loading. To ensure a smooth user experience, CLS should be under 0.1.
  • First Input Delay (FID): This measures the speed at which the browser reacts to a user’s initial input on the website, such as clicking or tapping. For optimal user engagement, FID should be less than 100 milliseconds.

A Note on Changes:

As part of the Core Web Vitals, Google has revealed that Interaction to Next Paint (INP), a fourth indicator, will take the role of FID in March 2024. INP should be 200 milliseconds or less for a swift and responsive user experience. 

The Core Web Vitals information for your website is available in the “experience” area of your Google Search Console account.

Core Web Vitals CSC

Also read: What’s a Good Core Web Vitals Score? 2024 Guide

Importance of Core Web Vitals

When Google officially introduced page experience into its search ranking algorithm in 2021, Core Web Vitals became crucial for analyzing a website’s user experience and page experience and for getting Google’s recommendations for raising rankings and enhancing site functionality.

How does this affect the SEO of your website? In the end, the following are the key lessons learned:

  1. In Google’s “page experience” upgrade, Core Web Vitals will be integrated with other ranking signals, directly impacting the SEO of your website.
  2. Google’s page experience signals are mostly composed of Core Web Vitals.
  3. Following the completion of the page experience upgrade rollout in the summer of 2021, websites that do not satisfy Google’s Core Web Vitals requirements run the danger of having their search results dropped.

FID (First Input Delay)

FID, or First Input Delay, is a Core Web Vital measuring the time it takes for a webpage to become interactive for users. It specifically quantifies the time users require to interact with content.

FID (First Input Delay)

First Input Delay (FID) assesses the duration between page loading and a user’s ability to engage with its content. Essentially, it gauges the responsiveness of a webpage. For instance, FID measures the time it takes for users to perform actions such as selecting menu options, clicking navigation links, entering email addresses, or expanding mobile “accordion text.”

What constitutes good FID scores? They are categorized as follows:

  • Good: An excellent FID score is under 100 milliseconds (ms).
  • Needs Improvement: Scores ranging above 100 ms but below 300 ms indicate room for improvement.
  • Poor: FID scores surpassing 300 ms signify poor performance.

How to Improve FID Scores

Google offers three recommendations for enhancing a page’s FID score:

  • Minimize (or Defer) JavaScript: Reducing or deferring JavaScript is critical, as users find it challenging to interact with a page while the browser loads JavaScript files.
  • Remove Non-Critical Third-Party Scripts: Third-party scripts (e.g., Google Analytics, ads, heatmap tools) can detrimentally affect FID scores. Eliminating non-essential third-party scripts can help improve performance.
  • Using Browser Cache: Leveraging browser caching accelerates content loading, enabling users’ browsers to expedite JavaScript loading tasks, thereby enhancing FID scores.

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) evaluates a page’s stability during loading, focusing on achieving “visual stability.”

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

CLS is particularly relevant for mobile platforms, where challenges related to screen size are more prevalent compared to desktop websites.

CLS specifically quantifies how frequently elements on a page shift disrupt user interaction with content, especially on smaller mobile screens. Common causes of shifting elements include late-rendering ads, images, and other layout components that appear after users have already started engaging with the page.

In essence, a high CLS indicates excessive movement of page elements during loading, which is undesirable. CLS scores are categorized as follows:

  • Good: A CLS score below 0.1 is considered good.
  • Needs Improvement: Scores between 0.1 and 0.25 suggest room for enhancement.
  • Poor: A CLS score exceeding 0.25 indicates significant room for improvement.

How to Minimize CLS

Google suggests three strategies for improving a page’s CLS score:

  • Use Set Size Attribute Dimensions for Media: Employ set size attributes (e.g., width and height) for visual media like videos, images, GIFs, and graphics. This ensures that the browser knows the exact space an element will occupy on the page, minimizing unexpected layout shifts during loading.
  • Ensure Reserved Space for Ads Elements: Allocate reserved space in your page design for ads elements. Without reserved space, ads can suddenly appear on the page, causing content to shift, which increases CLS.
  • Add Newly Rendered UI Elements Below the Fold: When adding newly rendered UI elements below the fold (i.e., outside the initial viewable area), they won’t push existing content down, maintaining the expected layout and reducing CLS.

LCP – Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the duration that a website takes to load when viewed by a real user.

LCP – Largest Contentful Paint

It tracks the duration from clicking a link to viewing the majority of on-screen content, with a focus on the time it takes for the largest content element (often an image, graphic, or video) to appear.

You can assess your LCP score using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and the Lighthouse audit tool. Google outlines specific LCP benchmarks, dividing LCP speed into three categories:

  • Good: The largest content element loads in under 2.5 seconds.
  • Needs Improvement: The largest content element loads between 2.5 and 4 seconds.
  • Poor: The largest content element takes longer than 4 seconds to load.

For a site to be deemed as having “good” LCP performance, at least 75 percent of page views should meet the “good” threshold. 

Conversely, if 25 percent or more of page views fall below the “poor” threshold, the site’s LCP performance is labeled as “poor”. 

For instance, a 75th percentile LCP of 2 seconds is considered “good”, while a 75th percentile LCP of 5 seconds is deemed “poor”.

How to Minimize LCP

Google suggests four strategies for enhancing your page’s LCP score:

  • Remove Unnecessary Third-Party Scripts: Eliminating unnecessary third-party scripts can significantly improve page load times. These scripts, while common for analytics and revenue generation, can collectively slow down loading speed.
  • Upgrade Web Hosting: Opting for better web hosting services can lead to faster load times, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Implement Lazy Loading for Images: Lazy loading ensures that images load only when users scroll down the page, expediting LCP, especially on pages with abundant visual media like photos, images, and videos.
  • Remove or Compress Large Page Elements: Google PageSpeed Insights can pinpoint elements slowing down LCP. Removing or compressing oversized page elements can optimize your LCP score effectively.

Other Challenging Metrics in Core Web Vitals

Apart from the main Core Web Vitals metrics, there are additional metrics that provide valuable insights into your application’s performance and user experience.

First Contentful Paint Time (FCP):

FCP measures how long it takes for the browser to display the first DOM element on a user’s page, including images, canvas elements, or text. It indicates the time taken for the user to see some part of your webpage, such as header bars or background images, which are crucial for user experience. FCP ranges are:

  • 0 – 2 seconds: Fast
  • 2 – 4 seconds: Moderate
  • 4+ seconds: Slow

Technical SEO experts consider an FCP of 1.8 seconds excellent.

Speed Index:

The speed index reveals how quickly the content of a page will be visually displayed when loaded. It assesses if your website has excessive JavaScript code and measures it in milliseconds. A good speed index score is crucial for enhancing user experience and SEO. Speed index ranges are:

  • 0 – 4.3 seconds: Fast
  • 4.4 – 5.8 seconds: Moderate
  • 5.8+ seconds: Slow

Time to Interactive (TTI):

TTI estimates the time it takes for a page to load its primary resources, load interactive content, and respond to user input. It helps identify unnecessary JavaScript code and is measured in seconds. TTI ranges are:

  • 0 – 3.8 seconds: Fast
  • 3.9 – 7.3 seconds: Moderate
  • 7.3+ seconds: Slow

Total Blocking Time (TBT):

TBT gauges the load responsiveness of a page by measuring the total time the main webpage is blocked due to long-running tasks. These tasks, taking over 50 ms to run on the main thread, include HTML parsing, DOM rendering, and executing JavaScript and CSS. Excessive blocking tasks can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings. TBT ranges are:

  • 0 – 300 ms: Fast
  • 300 – 600 ms: Moderate
  • 600+ ms: Slow


Core Web Vitals play a crucial role in determining the search engine optimization (SEO) performance of a blog. These metrics, including Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and First Input Delay (FID), directly influence user experience by assessing factors like page loading speed, visual stability, and responsiveness. 

By meeting Google’s benchmarks for Core Web Vitals, bloggers can improve their website’s ranking in search results, attract more organic traffic, and enhance user engagement. 

Implementing strategies to optimize Core Web Vitals, such as optimizing images, minimizing JavaScript, and improving server response times, is essential for bloggers aiming to achieve SEO success.

FAQs on Core Web Vitals

What role does Core Web Vitals play in the success of blogs?

The success of blogs is greatly influenced by Core Web Vitals, which are important markers of the caliber of the user experience. Blogs that put an emphasis on Core Web Vitals measures, such as quick loading speeds, little layout changes, and immediate interaction, typically draw more traffic, boost user engagement, and hold readers’ attention over time. In the end, this results in greater organic traffic, better search engine ranks, and higher conversion rates.

What strategies can be employed to optimize Core Web Vitals for a blog?

A blog’s Core Web Vitals may be optimized by applying several technological techniques that enhance loading time, interaction, and visual stability. To speed up initial page rendering, these tactics might include optimizing picture and video assets, reducing render-blocking JavaScript and CSS resources, using content delivery networks (CDNs) and browser caching, and giving priority to material that appears above the fold. Proactively identifying and addressing optimization possibilities may also be facilitated by implementing responsive design principles and routinely tracking Core Web Vitals performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse.

How can bloggers keep an eye on and measure the effectiveness of Core Web Vitals for their blogs?

Bloggers may use a variety of web performance monitoring tools and platforms to measure and monitor the Core Web Vitals performance for their blogs. These tools give in-depth analyses of certain Core Web Vitals data, point out areas in need of development, and make practical suggestions for enhancing performance. In the highly competitive online world, bloggers can make sure their blogs retain excellent user experiences and achieve ideal SEO performance by routinely checking Core Web Vitals data and executing optimization tactics accordingly.

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