What Is A CDN? Do I Need It For WordPress?

If you own a WordPress site, you likely understand the importance of making it fast and reliable. Slow loading speeds and poor performance can discourage visitors and result in a high bounce rate. A solution to this issue is using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your site. A WordPress CDN can enhance website performance by reducing load times and ensuring faster content delivery.

Since WordPress sites often involve a lot of media, CDN services are considered essential in the WordPress world due to their positive impact on performance. 

It’s crucial to understand what a CDN is, why and when you should use one, and how you can easily set one up with just one click.

Let’s delve into it!

Do I need a CDN? Here is why.

Do you want a fast website? Absolutely. Why? Here are some statistics to prove that.

  • A study by Akamai found that 47% of customers expect websites to load in a few seconds.
  • On Amazon, a one-second delay could lead to a loss of $1.6 billion in sales each year.
  • According to Pingdom, 78% of the top 100 retail websites load in under three seconds.
  • A one-second delay in page load results in a seven percent reduction in conversions.
  • The average load time is 1.286 seconds on desktop and 2.594 seconds on mobile.

If you want your business to succeed, it’s evident that a fast website is crucial. This is where a Content Delivery Network (CDN) becomes essential. Why? A CDN makes your site load faster, provides a better user experience, and ultimately helps your site, your presence, and your business grow.

So, what’s a CDN?

A CDN, or content delivery network, is like a global team of servers spread out strategically. Each server has a copy of your website’s stuff—files, images, scripts, and so on. When someone visits your site, the CDN serves them from the closest server.


Think of it like super-fast fiber optics circling the globe, displaying your web page’s contents to visitors, not from where your site is hosted but from the nearest server to where they are. It’s super effective and quick, with very little delay.

A CDN is like a network of servers, with thousands of them in data centers that have way more bandwidth than your regular hosting provider. These data centers are all over the world, so they can deliver content from the closest spot to users globally.

These data centers, called POPs or Points of Presence, are often in places with lots of internet users. More POPs usually mean faster content delivery. Since there are more users in the United States, Europe, and the Far East, there are more POPs there and fewer in Africa and South America.

How a CDN Works: The Client-Server Model

Imagine it like this:

With CDN and without CDN

You (the Client) Make a Request:

  • You type in a URL, like yourwebsite.com, asking for some content.
  • This request is equivalent to stating, “Hey, I want to see this webpage!”

Web Servers Do the Work:

  • The web is hosted on servers. These servers are specialized computers just for hosting websites.
  • The server has software (like Apache, IIS, or NGINX) that manages and serves your website.

Finding the Webpage:

  • The URL you typed is like a map to the resource (usually an HTML page) on the web server.
  • The web server uses this map (URL) to find the requested resource, which is usually an HTML page.

Server Response:

  • If the page exists, the server responds to you in a few seconds with the requested page.
  • If the server can’t find the page, it gives you an error, like the famous “404 page not found.

It’s like asking for a book from a librarian. You say which book you want (URL), and the librarian (webserver) finds it and either hands it to you (if found) or says it’s not available (if not found).

Easy, right?

Also read: 10 Powerful CDN Providers of 2023: Accelerate and Enhance Your WordPress Website.

How CDNs Speed Up Websites?

Imagine your website’s content is like a book, and your server is like a library. Now, think about a situation where your library is in India, and someone from California wants that book. That’s more than 12,000 kilometers – quite a distance!

No matter how fast your internet is, data has to travel that long distance, taking precious seconds to reach the visitor’s device.

Here’s where CDNs step in to make things faster.

CDNs Make Copies:

  • CDNs (like super-efficient librarians) make copies of the static content of your website.
  • These copies are stored in different locations around the world, in what are called Points of Presence (POPs).

Serving from the Nearest Location:

  • When someone in California requests a specific part of your website, the CDN doesn’t make them wait for the book to come from India.
  • Instead, it hands them the copy from the POP nearest to them.

In simple terms, CDNs bring the book closer to the reader. So, when someone wants your website’s content, it’s delivered from the nearest spot (POP), making your website load faster. That’s how a CDN speeds things up!

Additional Benefits of Using a CDN

We’ve talked about how a WordPress CDN makes data travel less, cutting down on the time it takes for your website to load. Now, let’s dive into another important thing it helps with – lowering your Time to First Byte (TTFB).

What’s TTFB?

TTFB measures how long your browser waits before getting the first byte of data from the server.

The shorter the wait, the faster your page shows up.

A CDN can decrease TTFB by handling data delivery more efficiently. Sometimes, people think TTFB is only about DNS lookup times, but the original TTFB calculation in networking includes network latency. This means delays can happen at any step, adding to your total TTFB.

Common Causes of High TTFB:

It’s not just about where your server is located; other factors like poorly written code or caching issues on your host server can also lead to high TTFB.

CDN Benefits

Load Distribution:

  • A CDN helps distribute and balance the load on your server, making it capable of handling high volumes of traffic.
  • Your server can focus on generating dynamic content (like what you use WordPress for), while the CDN takes care of delivering static content.

Bandwidth Efficiency:

  • The CDN significantly reduces the bandwidth consumption on your server.
  • Since most of the heavy lifting is done by the CDN, your server experiences better uptime, meaning your website is more consistently available.

Global Content Delivery:

  • Say goodbye to geographical barriers when serving your content globally.
  • Especially useful if your content is meant for users in various countries, as the Content delivery network ensures fast loading and positioning, regardless of the user’s location.

Security Boost:

Cost Savings:

  • Using a CDN can save you a significant amount of money.
  • Server memory and resources can be expensive, but a CDN often provides high-performance services at a much lower cost, sometimes even for free.

Still on the fence? The benefits go beyond just speed – a Content delivery network is like a versatile assistant for your website, enhancing performance, security, and cost-effectiveness.


Content Delivery Network (CDN) is like a global assistant for your website. It’s a network of servers strategically placed worldwide, helping to make your site faster, more efficient, and secure. If you own a WordPress site, a Content delivery network can be a game-changer. Not only does it speed up loading times by delivering content from the nearest server, but it also brings a range of other benefits. From load distribution and bandwidth efficiency to global content delivery and enhanced security, a Content Delivery Network is a versatile tool for optimizing your WordPress experience.

FAQs on CDN 

Why do I need a CDN for WordPress?

A Content Delivery Network is crucial for WordPress sites to speed up loading times, distribute server load, reduce bandwidth consumption, and enhance security. It ensures a better user experience and can save costs.

How does a CDN work with WordPress?

A Content Delivery Network makes copies of static content from your WordPress site and stores them in Points of Presence (POPs) globally. When a user requests content, it’s delivered from the closest POP, reducing latency.

What are the benefits of using a CDN?

Beyond faster loading times, a Content Delivery Network helps distribute server load, improves bandwidth efficiency, enables global content delivery, enhances security by blocking threats, and can save costs compared to traditional server resources.

Does a CDN reduce Time to First Byte (TTFB) for WordPress sites?

Yes, a Content Delivery Network can reduce TTFB by optimizing data delivery, ensuring the browser receives the first byte of data from the server more quickly.

Is a CDN necessary for all websites or just WordPress?

While beneficial for all websites, Content Delivery Network are especially valuable for media-intensive platforms like WordPress. They are designed to handle various types of web content, making them versatile for different site types.

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