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7 Common Myths About WordPress People still think it’s True

Over time, as WordPress has continued to evolve, various myths and biases have emerged surrounding this popular content management system. Just like with other software, operating systems, programs, and services, people often develop assumptions and beliefs about WordPress, some of which align with reality while others do not. 

In this article, we will explore the major myths, biases, or misunderstandings associated with WordPress and assess their accuracy in detail.

Myth 1: WordPress is free, so it can’t be a high-quality option

WordPress is free

One common misconception is that because WordPress is a free platform, it can’t possibly offer the quality needed to create a modern, attractive website that meets specific requirements. However, this is far from the truth. The cost of a platform doesn’t necessarily determine its quality.

WordPress is an open-source software, and its open nature means that it provides numerous opportunities to enhance the performance, design, and functionality of your website. The availability of a vast number of plugins and themes allows you to tailor your website to meet your specific needs. While WordPress itself is free, the potential for creating high-quality websites is not limited by its open-source nature. 

In fact, it’s often an advantage, as it fosters a thriving WordPress community of developers and contributors who continuously work to improve the platform.

Myth 2: WordPress is not secured

WordPress is not secured

The idea that WordPress lacks security is a prevalent misconception. In reality, WordPress is highly secure, which contributes to its widespread usage. 

WordPress is open source, meaning that its source code is accessible online for review, allowing for the identification and correction of potential security vulnerabilities.

WordPress boasts great flexibility, and its security can be further enhanced by implementing additional precautions. It’s worth noting that malware and brute force attacks are not unique to WordPress; they affect the broader web ecosystem. 

For this reason, specialized security services such as Sucuri exist, offering monitoring and website firewalls to safeguard against common online threats.

You can reinforce the security of your WordPress website by adopting straightforward measures like using robust passwords and adhering to established security guidelines. 

We’ve compiled a step-by-step WordPress security guide that empowers you to secure your website like a seasoned professional.

Myth 3: WordPress is only suitable for creating blogs

WordPress is only suitable for creating blogs

It is a common belief that WordPress is primarily a platform for creating blogs. While it did start as a blogging platform, it has since evolved into a highly versatile and flexible platform that can be used to create various types of websites. 

Thanks to its open-source nature, thousands of developers actively work on creating themes (templates) and plugins, expanding the platform’s capabilities for creativity and innovation. With WordPress, the options are essentially endless.

You can use WordPress to build a wide range of websites, including corporate websites, landing pages, advanced e-commerce stores, coupon websites, real estate listings, sales pages, photography portfolios, personal blogs, professional blogs, and much more. 

It has grown into a comprehensive content management system that can cater to a variety of website needs.

Myth 4: WordPress’s Future Is Uncertain

WordPress's Future Is Uncertain

The notion that the future of WordPress is uncertain is a misunderstanding held by those unfamiliar with open-source software dynamics. In reality, WordPress is far from being on shaky ground and is not the product of a single individual but rather a community of devoted and skilled developers.

WordPress is safeguarded by a non-profit entity known as the WordPress Foundation, which not only protects the WordPress brand but also advocates for the principles of open-source software. This collective effort ensures the software’s longevity and continued evolution.

Numerous WordPress-related businesses, both large and small, operate within this ecosystem. Many of these companies actively engage in the WordPress community, reinforcing its resilience.

The WordPress community isn’t a single entity that could vanish suddenly. It’s composed of hundreds of thousands of individuals from across the globe. Although WordPress itself is free, this ecosystem generates millions of dollars in annual revenue for the enterprises involved.

In summary, WordPress is here to stay, and its future is bright and promising.

Myth 5: I want to create a custom site; I don’t want to be limited to a pre-set template!

The design and appearance of a WordPress page are primarily determined by themes, which are essentially templates that serve as the foundation for your site’s visual and structural elements. Themes can be downloaded for free, purchased from developers, or created entirely from scratch. While themes provide a starting point, they don’t limit your creative freedom.

The beauty of using these themes is that you have the flexibility to modify nearly every aspect of your site’s structure and design. This can be accomplished through various tools and features within WordPress, including the CSS editor, widgets, plugins, and more. 

If you lack expertise in CSS or web development, you can still achieve a highly customized look by choosing a suitable theme and enlisting the help of an expert WordPress developer to make the necessary customizations.

This flexibility allows you to create a website that aligns perfectly with your vision, even if you don’t possess extensive coding skills. With the wide variety of themes available, you can find one that provides the foundation you need for your specific project and then fine-tune it to your exact requirements.

Myth 6: WordPress doesn’t work for e-commerce

Another common misconception is that WordPress is not suitable for e-commerce. However, this argument is entirely incorrect. WordPress can effectively support online stores and websites that process sales and orders around the clock.

There are numerous plugins and themes designed explicitly for e-commerce platforms within WordPress. Some of the most popular e-commerce plugins include WooCommerce and WP E-Commerce. These plugins enable you to set up, manage, and customize your online store with ease.

In addition to plugins, you can find a multitude of e-commerce-focused designs on various theme marketplaces and platforms, such as Woothemes, ThemeForest, ElegantThemes, and more. These themes come equipped with features and integrations that are tailored to the unique needs of e-commerce, making them a suitable choice for anyone looking to start an online store.

Myth 7: WordPress Gets Hacked Easily

Sometimes, WordPress websites get hacked, leading to data loss and frustration for site owners. But it’s usually not because WordPress itself is weak, it’s because of poor security measures.

WordPress can be a target for hackers, especially the skilled ones. However, there are tools and plugins that can make your website safer. If you use these and follow security tips like strong passwords and regular updates, you can prevent most hacking attempts on your WordPress site.


It’s time to put these common myths about WordPress to rest. WordPress is not just for bloggers; it’s a versatile content management system that can power a wide range of websites. It’s secure, user-friendly, and offers excellent SEO capabilities. While there may be some costs associated with it, WordPress can be a cost-effective solution. Moreover, it’s scalable and offers extensive design freedom.

If you’ve been hesitant about using WordPress based on these misconceptions, it’s time to reconsider. WordPress continues to be a top choice for building and managing websites, and with the right knowledge and resources, you can harness its full potential. Don’t let myths hold you back; embrace the power of WordPress for your online presence.

FAQ on WordPress Myths

1. Is WordPress only for small websites and blogs?

No, WordPress is a highly versatile platform suitable for websites of all sizes, from personal blogs to large e-commerce stores and corporate websites.

2. Is WordPress secure, or should I be concerned about security?

WordPress takes security seriously and regularly releases updates to address vulnerabilities. However, the security of your website also depends on your own practices, so be sure to implement the best security practices.

3. Can I make my WordPress website SEO-friendly?

Yes, WordPress offers excellent SEO capabilities through built-in features and plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. With proper optimization, you can make your website search engine friendly.

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