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How to Add Pagination in WordPress Without a Plugin

In the world of WordPress, pagination plays a vital role in enhancing user experience and enhancing website navigation. Pagination allows you to divide your content into smaller, more manageable sections, making it simple for visitors to browse through your site. While there are numerous plugins available to help you add pagination to your WordPress site, sometimes you may prefer to achieve this functionality without relying on additional plugins.

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of adding pagination to your WordPress site without the need for a plugin. We will explore different methods and techniques that will enable you to incorporate pagination seamlessly into your website, giving your visitors a smoother and more organized browsing experience. So, let’s dive in and learn how to add pagination in WordPress without a plugin.

Understanding Pagination: What It Is and Why It’s Important


Pagination is the process of dividing a large amount of content into smaller, more manageable sections or pages. It allows users to navigate through your website’s content easily by providing them with a structured and organized way to access information.

One of the primary reasons pagination is important is that it enhances user experience. When you have a website with a significant amount of content, it can be overwhelming for users to scroll endlessly to find what they’re looking for. With pagination, you can break down your content into logical chunks, making it easier for visitors to navigate and locate specific information.

Another advantage of pagination is that it improves website performance. When you have a large number of posts or pages all loaded onto a single page, it can significantly impact the loading time. By implementing pagination, you can reduce the amount of content loaded at once, resulting in faster page load times and a hassle-free user experience.

Pagination also aids in search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines, like Google, give better priority to websites that offer a good user experience. By implementing pagination, you improve the accessibility and organization of your content, which can positively impact your search engine rankings.

Additionally, pagination allows you to showcase more content on your website without overwhelming visitors. Instead of displaying all your posts or pages on a single page, you can spread them out across multiple pages, giving users the option to explore more content at their own pace.

Understanding the importance of pagination will help you make informed decisions about implementing it on your WordPress site. In the following sections, we will explore different methods and techniques to add pagination without relying on a plugin, empowering you to create a seamless and user-friendly browsing experience for your website visitors.

Modifying Your WordPress Theme for Pagination

Modifying your WordPress theme is a crucial step in adding pagination to your website. By making changes to your theme files, you can incorporate the necessary code to enable pagination functionality. In this section, we will guide you through the process of modifying your WordPress theme to accommodate pagination.

Understanding WordPress Themes and How They Work

Before diving into modifying your theme, it’s essential to understand the basics of WordPress themes and how they work. A WordPress theme controls the overall appearance and functionality of your website. It consists of a collection of files that work together to display your site’s content.

Themes typically include template files, such as header.php, footer.php, and index.php, among others. These files determine how different sections of your website are displayed. By modifying these template files, you can customize various aspects of your site, including the implementation of pagination.

Accessing and Editing Your Theme Files

To begin modifying your WordPress theme, you need to access the theme files. This can be done through the WordPress dashboard or via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). 

If you prefer to use the WordPress dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin area.
  2. Navigate to “Appearance” and click on “Themes.”
  1. Search for the active theme and click on the “Theme Editor” link.

Alternatively, if you choose to use FTP:

  1. Get connected to your website’s server using an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla).
  2. Navigate to the “wp-content/themes” directory.
  3. Search for the folder corresponding to your active theme.

Once you have accessed your theme files, you can proceed to edit the necessary files to add pagination functionality.

Adding the Pagination Code to Your Theme

To add pagination to your WordPress theme, you will need to tailor the appropriate template files. The specific file may vary depending on your theme’s structure, but commonly, you will be working with the “index.php” or “archive.php” file.


The pagination code typically involves using functions provided by WordPress, such as “previous_posts_link” and “next_posts_link,” to generate the pagination links. You will need to place this code in the appropriate location within your theme file.

In addition to the basic pagination code, you may also want to customize the styling and appearance of the pagination links. This can be done using CSS, which we will cover in a later section.

By modifying your WordPress theme and adding the necessary pagination code, you can integrate pagination functionality into your website. This permits visitors to navigate through your content effortlessly and enhances their overall browsing experience. In the next section, we will explore WordPress’ built-in pagination functions, which provide an alternative method for adding pagination without editing your theme files directly.

Using WordPress’ Built-In Pagination Functions

WordPress provides built-in pagination functions that make it easier to add pagination to your website without directly modifying your theme files. These functions offer a convenient way to generate pagination links and navigate through your content. In this section, we will explore the different built-in pagination functions provided by WordPress and guide you on how to use them effectively.

get_previous_posts_link and get_next_posts_link

The functions get_previous_posts_link and get_next_posts_link allows you to generate links for navigating to the previous or next set of posts on your website. These functions are commonly used for simple pagination scenarios.

To display the “Previous” and “Next” links, you can place the below-mentioned codes in your theme files:

Make sure to wrap the code within the appropriate HTML elements and style them using CSS to achieve the desired appearance.


The posts_nav_link function is another built-in pagination function that allows you to generate links for navigating through your posts. It provides a more advanced pagination solution by displaying links for the previous and next pages, as well as a numbered pagination navigation.

This will generate a set of links that include the previous and next links, as well as numbered pagination for navigating through your posts.


The paginate_links function gives you even more control over the pagination output. It lets you customize the appearance and behavior of the pagination links by providing various arguments.

By default, paginate_links will generate numbered pagination links. However, you can customize it further by passing an array of arguments to modify the output, such as the number of links to display, the text for previous and next links, and more.

Using WordPress’ built-in pagination functions provides a convenient way to add pagination to your website without the need for a plugin. These functions offer flexibility and customization options to suit your specific pagination requirements. In the next section, we will explore how to style your pagination links to ensure a visually appealing and cohesive design.

Styling Your Pagination Links

Styling your pagination links is essential to create a visually appealing and symmetric design for your website. By applying CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to your pagination elements, you can customize their appearance, ensuring they align with your overall website design. In this section, we will explore different techniques for styling your pagination links.

Using CSS to Style Your Links

To begin styling your pagination links, you can target the HTML elements generated by the pagination functions using CSS selectors. These selectors allow you to specify which elements you want to style and apply specific styling properties to them.

For example, if you want to style the previous and next links generated by the get_previous_posts_link and get_next_posts_link functions, you can use CSS to target the respective classes or IDs associated with these links. You can then apply properties like font size, color, padding, and background to customize their appearance.

Similarly, if you are using the paginate_linksfunction, you can target the generated HTML elements, such as the numbered pagination links or the previous and next links, using CSS selectors. This allows you to style them according to your design preferences.

Creating a Consistent Look and Feel

When styling your pagination links, it’s important to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout your website. Consistency helps create a seamless user experience and ensures that your pagination links blend well with the overall design aesthetic of your site.

To achieve consistency, you can use the same color scheme, typography, and padding that you have used throughout your website. This helps create visual harmony and makes your pagination links feel like a natural part of your site’s navigation.

Consider using CSS classes or IDs to style your pagination links consistently across different pages and sections of your website. This makes it easier to update the styling in one place rather than modifying each instance individually.

Adding Hover and Active States

To enhance the interactivity and user experience of your pagination links, you can add hover and active states. These states change the appearance of the links when users interact with them, providing visual feedback and improving usability.

By using CSS pseudo-classes like :hover and :active, you can define different styles for these states. For example, you can change the color or background of the links when users hover over them or when they are clicked.

Adding hover and active states not only improves the usability of your pagination links but also adds an added layer of interactivity to your website.

By styling your pagination links effectively, you can ensure they align with your website’s design aesthetic, maintain consistency, and enhance user experience. 

Troubleshooting Common Pagination Issues

While adding pagination to your WordPress site without a plugin can greatly enhance user experience, you may encounter some common issues along the way. In this section, we will address these issues and provide troubleshooting solutions to help you overcome them.

Dealing with Broken Links

One common issue with pagination is broken links. This occurs when the generated pagination links do not lead to the correct pages or result in a 404 error. To troubleshoot broken links, consider the following:

  1. Check the permalinks: Ensure that your permalink structure is set correctly. Go to “Settings” > “Permalinks” in your WordPress dashboard and choose a suitable permalink structure. Save the changes to update your permalinks.
  1. Verify the pagination code: Double-check the code you added to your theme files for generating pagination links. Make sure that the code is correctly implemented and that the necessary functions are being called.
  2. Check for conflicting plugins or custom code: Disable any plugins or custom code snippets that may be interfering with the pagination functionality. Temporarily deactivate plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugins.

Pagination Not Showing Up

If your pagination is not visible on your website, it could be due to a number of reasons. Here are some troubleshooting steps to follow:

  1. Check the number of posts per page: Ensure that the number of posts you have set to display per page matches the number of posts you have on your site. Go to “Settings” > “Reading” in your WordPress dashboard and adjust the “Blog pages show at most” option accordingly.

2. Verify the placement of the pagination code: Check if you have placed the pagination code in the correct location within your theme files. Ensure that it is within the loop and in the appropriate template file (e.g., index.php, archive.php, etc.).

3. Clear the cache: If you have installed a caching plugin or server-side caching, clear the cache to ensure that any changes you made to the pagination code are reflected on the front end.

Pagination Links Not Working Properly

Sometimes, the pagination links may not function as expected. Here are a few troubleshooting steps to address this issue:

  1. Check for conflicting scripts or styles: Ensure that there are no JavaScript or CSS conflicts that might be affecting the functionality of the pagination links. Temporarily deactivate any plugins or custom code that might be causing conflicts.
  2. Review the pagination code: Double-check the code you added for pagination and verify that the functions and arguments are correct. Ensure that you are passing the appropriate parameters to the pagination functions.
  3. Test with a default theme: Switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One) temporarily to see if the issue persists. If the pagination works with the default theme, it might indicate a problem with your current theme. Contact the theme developer for further assistance.

By troubleshooting these common pagination issues, you can ensure that your pagination functionality works seamlessly on your WordPress site. Remember to test your pagination thoroughly to make sure that it functions correctly and provides an easy browsing experience for your website visitors.


Congratulations! You have now learned how to add pagination to your WordPress site without depending on a plugin. By implementing pagination effectively, you can enhance user experience, improve website navigation, and provide a more organized browsing experience for your visitors.

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