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WordPress 6.5: What’s New in Beta With Features and Updates

When it comes to WordPress, one of the biggest advantages is that you get contact updates on security patches, features, performance updates, and more. 

The WordPress ecosystem is a constant cycle of updates, and with the latest version of WordPress 6.5, it got even better.

WordPress 6.4 was released just a few months ago. With it comes a slew of new features and improvements to take your website and experience to the next level. 

And now, the release of WordPress 6.5 is just around the corner. 

With each new iteration, WordPress raises the bar, so expectations are high.

So, are you curious about what is new? 

Please continue reading to learn more about WordPress 6.5’s future features and how to test them before they are officially released.

So, let’s dive right in!

How to Test WordPress 6.5 Before Officially Released?

If you would like to test the beta version of WordPress 6.5, then you can directly download the Beta 3 Version (zip) and install it on a WordPress website.

Note: Do make sure to take backups if your main website otherwise uses a demo version of WordPress or a test version.

Or you can use this WordPress playground site to test new features – WordPress Playground.

WordPress 6.5 Playground

New Features and Updates in WordPress 6.5 

  1. The Font Library

WordPress 6.5 is introducing the Fonts Library, a key feature enhancing your design options. Initially planned for WordPress 6.4, this eagerly awaited addition will now be included in the upcoming release, offering users a wide range of fonts to customize their websites.

By default, the Fonts Library shows the fonts already installed for your WordPress theme. You can switch to the Upload tab to add more fonts from your computer.

wordpress 6.5 The Font Library

Explore the Install Fonts tab, where you’ll be asked to allow the display of Google Fonts for a better typographic experience.

After granting access to retrieve Google Fonts, you can choose your preferred one to integrate into your Site seamlessly.

The Font Library

With the Fonts Library, WordPress 6.5 makes it easy for you to enhance the visual appeal of your content, simplifying design customization.

The Font Library
  1. Custom Fields for Blocks

WordPress 6.5 introduces an exciting feature allowing users to link custom fields with block attributes.

Custom fields have long been a part of WordPress, enabling users to add personalized metadata to their posts, pages, and other content types.

Now, developers and advanced users can connect custom field data with individual block attributes.

These connections aren’t restricted to custom fields only. The block binding API, introduced for this purpose, enables the use of various sources to provide dynamic data for blocks.

You can access the custom fields interface as shown in the image below:

Then, switch to the code editor view and insert the following code inside a text field:

<!-- wp:pattern {"slug":"twentytwentyfour/banner-project-description"} /-->

<!-- wp:pattern {"slug":"twentytwentyfour/text-project-details"} /-->

<!-- wp:pattern {"slug":"twentytwentyfour/gallery-full-screen-image"} /-->

<!-- wp:pattern {"slug":"twentytwentyfour/text-centered-statement"} /-->

<!-- wp:pattern {"slug":"twentytwentyfour/gallery-project-layout"} /-->

Save your changes.

Now, preview your post to see the custom fields in action.

Custom Fields for Blocks

The theme should display the values of your meta keys.

Custom Fields for Blocks

This is a basic example, but developers can achieve much more by displaying connections in the editor and enabling the selection of dynamic values from a dropdown menu through the registration of these connections.

  1. Plugin dependencies

WordPress 6.5 introduces Plugin Dependencies, a new feature that simplifies plugin integration. 

Developers can now declare dependent plugins with the “Requires Plugins” header, ensuring that crucial dependencies are clearly defined. 

This eliminates the need for users to manually locate and install these plugins, making the process simpler and more user-friendly. 

WordPress 6.5 strives to create a more efficient and informed experience for developers and consumers.

Plugin dependencies
  1. Improved Gutenberg Editor With New Features

WordPress Shadow support

WordPress 6.5 Gutenberg now supports drop shadows for certain blocks, including images, columns, and buttons. Easily elevate your design by following these simple steps:

In the editor, click on the block of your choice.

Navigate to the Styles panel.

Locate the “Border & Shadow” choices.

Explore and customize the drop shadow effect to your preferences.

Improved Gutenberg Editor With New Features

WordPress 6.5 allows you to add depth and texture to your content with only a few clicks!

  1. Synced Patterns Override

In the upcoming WordPress 6.5 release, brace yourself for a groundbreaking feature – Synced Pattern Overrides. 

This handy tool elevates the concept of synced patterns, enabling you to maintain a consistent appearance across various content pieces while still allowing each instance to have its distinct touch. 

Picture using a sleek testimonial pattern across multiple posts – with Synced Pattern Overrides, you can ensure that the layout remains unified while customizing personal details like names and images for a unique touch. The best part? You can refine the overall design without altering the content in your existing instances. 

WordPress 6.5 focuses on making your designs not only synchronized but also distinctly yours.

To test it out, simply add any synced pattern to your page and click on the “Edit Original” button.

Synced Patterns Override

You’ll then have the ability to modify the pattern.

From this page, you can choose any block within the pattern and make it editable by enabling the “Allow instance overrides” checkbox.

  1. New revision style

Say hello to a new user-friendly approach to revisit your Site Editor adjustments in the future WordPress 6.5 release. The new revision style is a welcome adjustment, making it simpler to identify how your material has grown. 

Unlike the previous version, this upgrade makes your creative journey more friendly, allowing you to easily move through your adjustments. Prepare for a more pleasurable revision experience in WordPress 6.5!

New revision style
  1. Rename Any Block

6.5 expands on the block renaming feature introduced in version 6.4, expanding it to practically every block for better organization and personalization. 

This update streamlines content structure by allowing users to choose block names for a more straightforward editing experience. This feature not only benefits content creators but also helps theme authors provide a seamless and user-friendly interface with their themes and patterns. 

Rename Any Block

WordPress 6.5 responds to customers’ increasing demands by allowing them to rename a variety of blocks, resulting in a more personalized and efficient editing journey.

  1. New WordPress APIs
  • Interactivity API

Version 6.5 of WordPress brings a game-changing feature: the Interactivity API. This dynamic tool acts as a flexible framework, empowering developers to create modern front-end interfaces without the need for full-page reloads. With the Interactivity API, user experiences become more engaging and seamless, breaking free from traditional limitations.

Imagine reading blog comments where new ones seamlessly appear as you compose your reply. Envision a live search feature enhancing website speed without any delays. 

To demonstrate the potential of the Interactivity API, the project team has curated a demo website, offering a tangible preview of its capabilities. Prepare for a more interactive WordPress journey with this exciting addition.

demo website
  • Custom Fields API

WordPress 6.5 introduces the innovative Custom Fields API, designed to seamlessly link block attributes with custom fields or metadata. This integration simplifies the management and presentation of dynamic content, providing developers and content creators with an easier way to reuse content across their websites.

By incorporating custom fields into the block editor, WordPress opens up possibilities for personalized and context-specific content, which is particularly beneficial for intricate websites with specific data needs. In version 6.5, a simplified version of this API is set to debut, allowing a direct connection between block attributes and custom fields without a user interface.

Moreover, a basic UI will be implemented, enabling users to read metadata values and modify metafield  values directly during the editing process. These enhancements lay the foundation for a more comprehensive use of custom fields in WordPress, significantly expanding the horizons for content customization.

  • Block Binding API

The Block Binding API is a versatile tool that links block features to changing values based on user actions. This allows for the direct display of dynamic content, such as post authors, within blocks without the need to create new ones. It’s a simple yet effective way to make content more flexible and dynamic!

This type of data binding is particularly useful for theme developers and website owners aiming to enhance the dynamism and content richness of their sites without relying on numerous plugins or blocks. The ongoing development of the Block Binding API for WordPress 6.5 primarily focuses on advancing other aspects of the roadmap, with a specific emphasis on supporting custom fields and partial sync patterns.

This illustrates WordPress’ commitment to seamless integration and collaboration among different APIs and features. The goal is to provide developers and content creators with flexibility and efficiency. The Block Binding API is part of WordPress’ ongoing mission to simplify website development and content creation, offering new avenues to showcase creative and dynamic content.

Wrapping Up

WordPress 6 Beta is jam-packed with exciting new features and enhancements. There’s a lot to look forward to, including the Interactivity API, which makes websites more interactive, and the Custom Fields API, which simplifies content administration. 

The Block Binding API also offers a convenient approach to adding dynamic content to your Site. Overall, WordPress 6 Beta is more than just an upgrade; it represents a significant leap forward in website construction. 

Whether you’re a developer or a website owner, WordPress 6 Beta includes new features to help you improve your online presence. So get ready to explore and make use of the new features!

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