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Harness the Power of Google Ad Extensions to Supercharge Your Ads 

Google ads extensions, rebranded as “assets,” play a pivotal role in driving campaign triumph. They serve as potent tools for enhancing performance and capturing the interest of prospective customers. These extensions not only foster increased ad clicks but also cultivate higher-quality engagements from users poised to take decisive action upon reaching your site. Explore how Google Ads extensions can amplify your ad campaigns. This guide highlights a diverse array of extension types & optimal usage scenarios for each. 

What Are Google Ad Extensions?

Google Ads extensions, now referred to as “assets,” serve as optional add-ons enriching your ads with supplementary information. These elements not only enhance ad appeal but also occupy more visual space on search engine results pages (SERPs), potentially elevating click-through rates (CTR) and reducing cost-per-click (CPC).

Why Would You Use Google Ad Extensions? 

Surprisingly, both advertisers and users stand to gain from their utilization. For advertisers, the primary advantage lies in heightened visibility on the SERP. Larger ads, supplemented by extensions, not only dominate more space but also potentially edge out competitor placements. This increased prominence translates to greater impact and relevance for the user, potentially yielding more clicks.

From the user’s standpoint, ad extensions furnish additional information beyond the constraints of standard ad copy. By incorporating extensions, you deliver supplementary details such as promotions, categories, or social proof, prompting users to act swiftly. These dual benefits can significantly elevate click-through rates (CTR), presenting substantial opportunities for your PPC endeavors. Here are some more benefits: 

  • Enhanced ad ranking: While ad extensions may not directly influence Ad Strength, they can bolster Click-Through Rate (CTR) – a crucial ranking metric for Ad Rank. Ad Relevance and Landing Page Experience also factor into Ad Rank alongside CTR.
  • Improved lead quality: Ad extensions aid in filtering out unqualified or low-quality leads by furnishing additional information about the target audience for the product or service. Consequently, users who engage with the ad and proceed to the landing page are likely to be more qualified prospects.
  • Optimized PPC budget: By augmenting CTR, ad extensions can elevate Ad Rank, potentially reducing Cost-Per-Click (CPC). This optimization allows for more efficient utilization of your budget, maximizing its impact and extending its reach.

Automated vs Manual Ad Extensions 

Unveil the versatility of Google ad extensions, categorized into two distinct groups:

  • Automated: These extensions are dynamically generated by Google Ads, leveraging insights from your profile or website.
  • Manual: Take control by configuring these extensions yourself, furnishing tailored input in the form of copy or visuals.

Types of Google Ad Extensions/Assets

1. Sitelink assets 

Google Ad Extension

These assets serve the purpose of guiding searchers to specific pages on your website beyond just the ad’s landing page. Leveraging this asset type streamlines the process for searchers to promptly take action when presented with links tailored to their interests.

A minimum of two sitelinks is required for eligibility to display for users. Typical scenarios for employing sitelink assets encompass directing users to:

– Pricing pages

– Category pages

– Contact Us pages

– Reviews and Testimonial pages

2. Location Assets

Google Ad Extension

Location assets entice users to either visit your physical location or acquire further details about it. These assets can manifest in various formats across mobile devices and computers, showcasing additional information such as:

– Store address

– Store hours

– Store phone number

– Map to the store location

These assets can be featured across the Search Network, Display Network, YouTube, and Google Maps. Implementation options include manual application at the campaign level or setup at the account level. To enable these features, a valid Google Business Profile must be linked to the Google Ads account.

3. Call Assets 

Google Ad Extension

                                           Source: Wordstream

Call assets simplify the process for prospective customers to reach out to your business directly from an ad. The cornerstone of this asset is a click-to-call phone number, visible primarily on mobile devices. For desktop users, a “Call us” button is displayed, revealing the phone number upon activation.

This asset type is exclusive to the Google Search Network. Moreover, you have the flexibility to determine when to showcase a call asset, such as exclusively during business hours when staff is available to field calls. Calls may be counted as conversions if call reporting is activated at the account level.

4. Price Assets 

Google Ad Extension

The cost of a product frequently holds significant sway in nearly every buyer’s decision-making process. Price assets enable you to establish upfront cost expectations with potential buyers, yielding additional advantages:

– Transparency

– Trust

Higher-quality leads

Furthermore, these assets offer flexibility and customization options, allowing you to display them selectively based on your preferences.

5. Structured Snippet 

Google Ad Extension

Structured snippet assets, denoted by colons within an ad, serve to accentuate specific product categories, services, or features. 

Displayed below the text ad, this asset format adopts a predetermined header such as:

– Brands

– Price

– Styles

– Rating

– And more

Each structured snippet value accommodates up to 25 characters, and it’s advisable to generate at least four to facilitate Google’s learning and optimization processes. While desktop searches can showcase up to two distinct headers, mobile and tablet searches typically feature just one per search ad.

6. Image Assets 

Google Ad Extension

Image assets enhance your existing search ads by incorporating relevant visuals to boost performance.

When conveying your message proves challenging through text alone, image assets bridge the gap between a brand and a user. Advertisers must fulfill specific requirements to utilize image assets, including:

– Account longevity of at least 60 days

– A history of compliance

– Active campaigns featuring text ads

– Eligibility within a suitable vertical or sub-vertical

Marketers can incorporate up to 20 different visuals, provided they adhere to stringent guidelines to prevent disapproval.

7. Rating Assets 

Google Ad Extension

Seller rating assets serve as an excellent avenue to highlight top-notch customer experiences, driven by ratings from buyers. This asset type plays a pivotal role in establishing initial trust with users, empowering them to make informed decisions.

What sets this asset type apart is its versatility—it can be featured in paid ads, free listings, and organic search results.

A seller rating asset typically comprises:

– A star rating out of five

– The total number of ratings received by a business

– Qualifiers, such as average delivery time

– A link to access recent reviews

Seller rating assets fall under the category of “automated” assets, indicating that they cannot be applied at a detailed campaign or ad group level. Instead, they are configured at the account level and can be activated or deactivated by following the instructions provided above.

8. App Assets 

app Ad Extension

An increasing number of brands not only maintain websites but also venture into developing complementary mobile apps. App assets streamline the process for users to explore and install your app directly from a search ad!

App installations can be monitored down to the keyword level, providing an extra advantage when running other types of app promotion or discovery ads. Due to the inherent characteristics of apps, this asset type is exclusively displayed on mobile and tablet devices and is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

9. Promotion Assets 

Google Ad Extension

When your customer is in search of a deal, promotion assets can be your greatest ally. These assets enhance click-through rates and potentially drive sales by spotlighting sales and promotions. Positioned below a text ad, this asset type is distinguished by a price tag icon. An additional advantage of promotion assets is the capability to schedule them in advance or restrict their display to specific days or hours.

10. Business Information Assets 

Google Ad Extension

While not as widely utilized, business information assets may be overlooked due to the somewhat vague requirements set by Google. These assets encompass two key elements:

– Business name

– Business logo

All advertisers must undergo the verification process to display these asset types. However, what’s peculiar is Google’s disclaimer that these assets “are not guaranteed to serve even if approved.” Google may also opt to display a placeholder for quality-related reasons.

So, why consider using these assets? One compelling reason is to bolster brand equity. Whether your brand is well-established or in the process of growth, incorporating your business logo or specified business name can enhance user recall, reinforcing your brand presence in their memory.

How to Incorporate Extensions (Assets) into Your Google Ad?

Google ad extensions can be integrated at the ad group, campaign, or account level within Google Ads. Depending on your chosen level (account, campaign, or ad group), follow these steps: Go to Ads & assets > Assets > +.

Google Ad Extension

Upon selecting “+,” you’ll gain access to create various types of extensions (assets) available.

Bottom Line  

Utilizing Google ad extensions is an effective strategy to garner more qualified clicks on your ads. 

Curious about the optimal quantity to include? Google recommends incorporating as many relevant ad extensions as feasible. 

With a diverse array of ten available extension types, there’s a fitting ad extension to complement any business.


Can I use multiple Ad Extensions in the same ad?

Yes, you can use multiple Ad Extensions in the same ad to provide users with more information and options, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of your ads.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my Ad Extensions?

Google Ads provides detailed metrics for tracking the performance of your Ad Extensions, including click-through rate, conversion rate, and overall impact on ad performance. Use these metrics to analyze the effectiveness of your extensions and make data-driven decisions about how to optimize them for better results.

How do Ad Extensions help my ads stand out?

Ad Extensions make your ads more visually appealing and informative, which helps them stand out from the competition. They provide extra visibility on the search results page, making your ad stand out and increasing the probability that users will click on it.

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