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Increasing File Upload Size Limit in Nginx in 2024


The challenge commonly encountered when employing nginx as a front end to a PHP-based Apache+mod_fastcgi server involves limitations on file upload sizes. For instance, certain applications permit users to upload images up to 2MB in size. However, under a setup involving a Nginx reverse proxy, users attempting to upload files larger than 1.5MB might encounter the error message “Nginx 413 Request Entity Too Large.” 

Addressing this issue becomes pivotal: how can one enable the upload of images up to 2MB in size through the nginx web server operating in reverse proxy mode or as a stand-alone entity on Unix-like operating systems in the context of 2024?

The appearance of the “413 – Request Entity Too Large” error signifies that the web server has restrictions in place regarding the size of incoming files. To mitigate this, adjustments within the Nginx configuration using the client_max_body_size directive can allow for an increase in the maximum size of the client request body. When the size of an incoming request exceeds the predefined value, the server returns the “413 error” to the client.

Consequently, the solution involves configuring both Nginx and PHP to accommodate larger upload sizes. In 2024, updating the configuration settings of both servers to allow increased upload capacity has become even more pertinent due to the evolving nature of web-based applications and the growing demand for seamless, larger file uploads in various online platforms. 

Adjusting these settings ensures a smoother user experience and facilitates the upload of larger files within the specified limit. This enhancement aligns with the contemporary requirements of diverse online applications, emphasizing the importance of optimizing server configurations to meet user demands effectively.

Also read : How to Fix 413 Request Entity Too Large Error in WordPress

Increase file upload size limit in PHP-Nginx

If you encounter connection termination issues with Nginx while uploading large files in 2024, the error logs might display a message similar to the one below:

\\[error\]25556#0: *52 client intended to send too large body:

This error suggests the need to adjust the PHP file upload size limit. To troubleshoot this issue, follow the steps outlined below.

PHP Configuration Changes:

To modify the maximum file upload size to 100MB, access the php.ini file by using the command:

`vim /etc/php7/fpm/php.ini`

Then, adjust the settings as follows:

upload_max_filesize = 100M

post_max_size = 100M

Additional Insights:

It’s crucial to note that typically, the post_max_size should be larger than the upload_max_filesize, except when dealing with sizable numbers like 100M, where they can be set as equal.

Another variable to consider is max_input_time, which might restrict the upload size. For applications allowing uploads of file sizes in GBs, adjusting this parameter might be necessary. When using PHP-FPM behind Nginx, where Nginx handles file uploads and subsequently copies them to PHP, the local operation of Nginx to PHP copying might not pose issues with max_input_time. Nginx might either copy the file or simply provide PHP with the file’s location or descriptor records.

Nginx Configuration Update:

Add the following line to the Nginx configuration’s {http {…}} block:

http {


    client_max_body_size 100m;



Note: For very large files, consider modifying the value of the client_body_timeout parameter, with its default set at 60s.

Remember to reload PHP-FPM and Nginx using the following commands:

service php7-fpm reload

service nginx reload

Adjustments in WordPress Multisite:

For WordPress Multisite setups, navigate to the Network Admin Dashboard >> Settings. Locate the Upload Settings and modify the value for Max upload file size accordingly.

Also read : How Does PHP Memory Limit Impact The Performance Of A Website?


In conclusion, as of 2023, the process of increasing file upload size limits in Nginx remains a pivotal aspect for web administrators and developers seeking to accommodate larger file transfers. With advancements in technology, the demand for handling sizable data transfers continues to grow. 

To address this, meticulous configuration adjustments within the Nginx server settings, particularly the client_max_body_size parameter, can facilitate the accommodation of larger file uploads, enhancing user experience and system functionality.

Looking ahead to 2024, it is imperative to stay updated with the latest Nginx releases and best practices in server configuration to adapt to evolving requirements efficiently. Embracing scalable solutions, employing robust security measures, and ensuring optimal performance in handling increased file sizes will be crucial for websites and applications. 

As digital landscapes continue to evolve, the ability to manage larger file uploads in Nginx will remain a significant consideration for maintaining a seamless user experience and staying competitive in the ever-growing online sphere.


How can I raise Nginx’s 2024 file upload size limit?

To enhance the file upload size limit in Nginx, you can modify the `client_max_body_size` directive in the server block of your Nginx configuration file (Nginx.conf). Adjust this directive to your desired upload limit; for instance, setting it to ‘client_max_body_size 100M;’ will allow uploads of up to 100 megabytes.

What precautions should I take when increasing file upload limits in Nginx?

When augmenting file upload limits in Nginx, ensure your server’s capacity can handle larger file transfers. This includes verifying available disk space, server resources (CPU and memory), and potential impacts on network bandwidth. Additionally, consider potential security risks associated with larger file uploads and implement appropriate measures like file type restrictions or scanning.

Are there alternative methods to modify file upload size limits in Nginx apart from the configuration file?

Yes, you can adjust the file upload size limit dynamically using Nginx directives in specific locations or using `nginx.conf`. Additionally, if you’re using a hosting provider or a management tool for Nginx, they might offer graphical interfaces or settings to modify upload limits without directly editing the configuration file.

What are the common errors encountered while increasing file upload limits in Nginx?

Frequently encountered errors when augmenting upload limits in Nginx include ‘413 Request Entity Too Large’ or ‘client_max_body_size’ errors. These errors signify that the uploaded file exceeds the specified size limit. To resolve these errors, revise the `client_max_body_size` directive in your Nginx configuration file to accommodate larger file uploads.

Can I set different file upload size limits for specific locations or file types in Nginx?

Certainly, Nginx enables customization of file upload limits based on specific locations or file types using location blocks in the configuration file. By defining `client_max_body_size` within these blocks, you can establish distinct upload limits for various sections of your website or for different file formats, providing more granular control over upload size constraints.

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