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Code Snippets Ultimate Guide: What, How, and Why to Use Code Snippets in WordPress

WordPress gives users the endless possibility to customize their site however they like; a code snippet is one of them. 

Whether you want to add code to track data, put ads on the site, or customize a button, whatever customization you desire, a code snippet provides that.

Adding code snippets to your WordPress site enables you to create unique styles and functions that are not achievable with themes and plugins. Snippets can also help you boost security on your website and make the admin dashboard more user-friendly.

Fortunately, adding custom code to your website can help bridge the gap. While this method may appear difficult if you have no coding knowledge, it is considerably simpler than you may think.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the reasons you would want to add custom code to your website, including what it is, how to add it, and why.

So, let’s get right into it.

What are Code Snippets in WordPress?

Think of code snippets as a small chunk of code that let you add, modify and update a new feature.

Simple, isn’t it?

Think of them as shortcuts. Minor updates or the addition of unique features to your website do not require you to be a coding expert or employ a developer.

For example, you may include the bio box we discussed before. Alternatively, you might customize the login page’s logo to reflect your own identity.

Code snippets allow your website to express your ideas without being entangled in the complexity of full-scale web development

WordPress code snippets allow you to accomplish whatever you want, whether it’s a minor modification or a major change.

To use code snippets, we use WordPress plugins such as HFCM, Code Snippets, WPCode, Post Snippets, and so on. Each has the same use case and is simple to use but has a different UI and features.

Now, let’s have a look at why you should use it.

Why Use Code Snippets in WordPress?

Why use it, you ask?

Simply to customize your WordPress website. Improving its speed, easy navigation, adding banners, reducing plugin overload, improving SEO, adding new features, animation, tracking, and more.

Code snippets can do all this with just a simple code.

Here is an example of code snippets:

Code Snippets

You want a unique website that represents your brand, not just a basic WordPress site. You can make changes to your website without having to start from scratch by hiring a developer and employing code snippets.

While WordPress plugins are convenient, they can slow down your site by increasing server demands. For instance, if you only need a social sharing button, a plugin may come with unnecessary features, causing your site to load slower.

However, using a code snippet allows you to add specific functionality without the extra baggage, improving site speed.

Code snippets also let you experiment with design and functionality. Even if you’re not experienced in coding, you can use CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and PHP snippets, making them beginner-friendly.

Lastly, snippets can enhance your user experience by making small but impactful changes, like adjusting button colors or creating unique scrolling effects, which can make your site more memorable for visitors.

Now that we have what and why, let’s understand how to use them.

How to Use Code Snippets in WordPress?

To use the code snippets, you need a plugin. You can choose one of these plugins. 

Each has its own advantages and unique features. My recommendations are HFCM and WPCode, easy and free. 


Now that you have chosen a plugin let’s head to the WordPress administrator (I’m using the WP code plugin).

Install and activate the code snippet plugin and go to > + Add Snippet.

WPCode Add Code Snippets

Once you’re in “Create Custom Snippet”.

  • Give it a Name
  • Add a Code 
  • Select Code Type (HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Text, CSS)
  • Turn on ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’.
Create Custom Snippet

Here is a sample code if you wish to perform tests (Google Analytics Code):



  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),



  ga('create', 'UA-xxxxxx-1', 'auto');

  ga('send', 'pageview');


Once the code is inserted, check out the additional setting, “Insertion“. Now, our code is HTML, so we don’t need to change any settings because Auto Insert and location will automatically insert code in the header.

Auto insert

But if you have PHP code and you have selected the code type as PHP Snippet, then the plugin will automatically set the location to “Run Everywhere,” so you again don’t need to worry about the code insertion.

Global Snippets

WPCode also gives us the option to use shortcodes, which means we can use code snippets where the shortcode is inserted.

This is great for people who like to track and monitor separate pages, and to do that, simply select [/] shortcode and copy and paste it on the page where you want the code to execute.


Moving on to WPCode gives users the ability to choose which device they want to load on the code snippet, but remember that this feature only allows for the Pro version, which is $169 a year. 

Any device type

Once everything is set and done, set it as Active and click on “Save Snippet“.

Save snippet

And, Hooray, you’re done! The code is active, and analytics will fetch data within 24-48 hours.

Final Say

Code snippets provide a robust and adaptable method for customizing WordPress sites to meet your specific requirements. Using code snippets allows you to overcome the limits of cookie-cutter designs and excessive plugin clutter while retaining website efficiency. 

Whether you’re a newbie or an expert developer, code snippets can help you improve the functionality, design, and user experience of your website. Embrace the power of code snippets to develop a really unique website that stands out on the internet.

FAQs on Code Snippets

How do I ensure that code snippets on my WordPress site are secure and reliable?

To preserve security and dependability while employing code snippets, it is critical to follow best practices such as properly reviewing and testing snippets in a development environment before releasing them to a production site. Furthermore, constant auditing and updating snippets to address any security vulnerabilities or compatibility concerns is critical for keeping a secure and stable website.

Is there any performance impact while utilizing advanced code snippets in WordPress?

While code snippets can provide useful functionality, poorly optimized or wasteful code might degrade website performance. To address performance difficulties, developers should attempt to build efficient and lightweight code, reduce database queries and external HTTP calls, and employ caching technologies

Where can sophisticated code snippets be used to integrate WordPress with other systems or technologies?

Yes, complex code snippets can help integrate WordPress with other platforms, APIs, and technologies. Developers can use snippets to implement OAuth authentication, consume external RESTful APIs, synchronize data with third-party services, and establish custom webhooks for event-driven interactions.

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