CDN For WordPress: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

CDN For WordPress: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

The era where Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) were exclusively associated with large media and news websites has evolved. In the past, gaining access to prominent CDNs like Akamai required personal connections, and the implementation process stretched over several months. However, the scenario has changed, and CDNs are now not only more affordable but can be […]

AWS WordPress Hosting Cost In 2024

AWS WordPress Hosting Cost

When contemplating WordPress hosting on AWS, the primary concern often revolves around the elusive question of cost. AWS, known for its intricate pricing structure, can be challenging to navigate by merely perusing its pricing page. The AWS pricing calculator emerges as a valuable tool, prompting users to specify components and reveal an estimated cost. The […]

The Complete Guide To Internal Linking In WordPress In 2024

The Complete Guide To Internal Linking In WordPress In 2024

How effective is your content’s visibility on Google in 2024? What plays a crucial role in Google’s decision to rank a specific post? The determining factor is the quantity of links. Google assesses page rankings based on the number of external links directed to a post, which can originate from various sources across the internet. […]