The Power of Ghost Browser for a WordPress Website

WordPress has emerged as a hassle-free portal for web designing and content management system for the web developers and concerned people. It has been officially launched in the year of the past decade, 2003 and since then WordPress is continuously serving to the online masses for various purposes among which web developing, hosting and CMS […]

Getting Started with Joomla – Recommended CCK Extensions

Joomla is an excellent content manager and by using its extensions, we can add more features to this CMS and improve its functionality. We analyze your powerful extensions, also known as Content Construction Kit, or CCK, which allow us to customize our web project developed in Joomla and add new features easily, like a blog, […]

If Chrome does not trust a site, will you?

Google Chrome announced that it will provide security warning to users, warning that sites containing HTTP protocol are not safe. But why did this happen? The people who still have an HTTP site, what will they do? As will be going forward? That is the purpose of this article, clarify the main doubts. Why a […]

Docker Container and WordPress

Docker Container is a technology that aims to package your API and all its dependencies, an example is the architecture that is used below. 5 containers and each carrying service in a totally isolated environment among them. Operation of Docker Container on WordPress Mounting an architecture infrastructure with containers has many advantages; among them we […]

PHP 7: Will developers adopt the new version?

Now that PHP 7.0 is finally released, it is PHP developers who will decide if they will adopt it in their projects or continue using the previous one. Make your WordPress site’s Load Blazing Fast Just by moving to Nestify. Migrate your WooCommerce Store or WordPress Website NOW. Read this article to learn about the […]

Nestify + WordCamp

We’re pleased to announce that we are sponsoring two WordCamp events in coming weeks. If you are attending any one of these WordCamps, instructions to receive free hosting are at the bottom. Make your WordPress site’s Load Blazing Fast Just by moving to Nestify. Migrate your WooCommerce Store or WordPress Website NOW. WordCamp Sofia 2015 […]

How We Cache Dynamic Content : CloudFlare Railgun™

As a CloudFlare Optimized Partner, we offer the CloudFlare Railgun™ technology to all our customers. Railgun is CloudFlare’s latest performance optimization technology that gives you significant improvements in site load times. Here is why we chose this technology for dynamic content cache: Railgun ensures that the connection between our network and the CloudFlare network is […]