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6 Safety Tips For WordPress To keep Your Site Safe

WordPress is widely recognized for its user-friendliness and accessibility. It stands out as the foremost choice for constructing websites. Recent statistics reveal that WordPress is the platform for 45% of all websites. Nonetheless, this extensive popularity comes with a caveat; insecure WordPress websites become enticing targets for hackers and spammers who seek to exploit well-known vulnerabilities to their advantage.

If you invest substantial time and effort in developing your WordPress website, it becomes imperative to focus on security best practices.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that WordPress security aims at reducing risks, not eliminating them entirely. Given the ever-present potential for risks, safeguarding your WordPress site necessitates an ongoing commitment. This involves a continuous evaluation of potential attack vectors and threats.

Within this guide, we will delve into the safety tips for WordPress security and delineate the measures you can implement to shield your website (along with your traffic) from the perils of hackers and malware.

Is WordPress Secure?

While WordPress is considered a secure content management system, it remains susceptible to security breaches. Due to its widespread use, WordPress has emerged as a prime target for cyberattacks. Wordfence, a firewall service, has disclosed that it thwarted a staggering 18.5 billion password attack requests aimed at WordPress websites.

Safety Tips For WordPress

It’s important to recognize that WordPress itself is not entirely to blame for these vulnerabilities. In reality, WordPress maintains a top-tier team of researchers who consistently release new security updates with the goal of fortifying the platform’s security. The issue arises from how WordPress is made available to its users.

As an open-source platform, WordPress permits users to modify and distribute its source code freely, granting it a limitless degree of customizability. While this flexibility is a primary driver of WordPress’s popularity, it also exposes the platform to numerous security challenges.

The onus falls on the user to ensure the security of their website by optimizing and customizing it in accordance with their preferences. Regrettably, many users neglect this responsibility, leaving opportunities for vulnerabilities to be exploited.

For example, in the case of medium to high-scale websites, some users attempt to manage the entire site by themselves, rather than entrusting the task to a managed WordPress hosting service. In doing so, they may inadvertently compromise the security and structural integrity of their website, as it becomes nearly impossible to oversee every aspect independently.

It’s important to understand that eliminating risk factors entirely may not be feasible. However, you can significantly reduce these risks by taking specific precautionary measures.

6 Safety Tips For WordPress

  1. Stay Up to Date: WordPress Core and Plugins

Staying ahead in the digital world means constantly adapting. For your WordPress site, this begins with regular updates. Keeping your WordPress core, along with plugins and themes, up-to-date is the first and foremost security measure. New versions often bring crucial bug fixes reported by users and improved features, ensuring your site remains robust against potential threats. Before updating, always check for compatibility with your existing plugins and themes to maintain a stable and secure site.

You’ll receive notice when a new WordPress update is available in the Dashboard > Updates menu.

Example: Imagine your WordPress site is an ever-evolving garden. To keep it flourishing, you must regularly tend to it by providing the latest nutrients (updates) to enhance its growth and resilience.

WordPress Version
  1. File and Directory Permissions

Understanding the intricacies of your WordPress file and directory permissions is essential for security. By default, files and folders are assigned certain permissions at the server level. While adequate, enhancing these permissions is advisable to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data on your website. Here are the recommended permission values for specific files and directories:

  • .htaccess: 644
  • wp-config.php: 644
  • index.php: 644
  • wp-blog-header.php: 644
  • /wp-admin: 755
  • /wp-includes: 755
  • /wp-content: 755

Implementing these recommended permissions is akin to fortifying the gates of your digital fortress, ensuring confidential information remains well-guarded.

  1. Conceal the WordPress Version

A subtle yet crucial security measure is to conceal the version of your WordPress installation. By default, WordPress includes a meta tag generator that displays the current version. However, this feature can expose your site to potential threats. Hackers, skilled at identifying vulnerabilities in specific versions, may target your website. To safeguard against this, hide the WordPress version information. The functions.php file for your theme should contain the following piece of code:

remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');

By removing the WordPress version meta tag from your website’s HTML header, this code fragment will make it more challenging for hackers to determine which version of WordPress you are running.

  1. Restricted Access to wp-content Directory

The wp-content directory is a repository for plugins, themes, and uploads on your site. To enhance security, restrict direct access to this directory, permitting access only to essential resources such as CSS files, JavaScript, and images. Implement this protection by adding the following code to the .htaccess file within the /wp-content directory:

Order Allow, Deny

Deny from all

<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|gif|png|js|css)$">

Allow from all

  1. Securing Your wp-config.php

Your WordPress setup’s linchpin is the wp-config.php file, safeguarding it is paramount. This file stores login details and security keys for cookie data encryption. To fortify its protection:

  1. Relocate wp-config.php: Move it from the default root directory (/public_html) to a non-public directory. Create a duplicate and reference it with this code:
  1. Update Security Keys: Renew the security keys (AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, and NONCE_KEY) for maximum security. You can find these keys in your wp-config.php file.
  2. Amend Permissions: Change the wp-config.php file permissions to 440 or 400 to prevent unauthorized access. Use your FTP client for adjustments. Hosting platforms may have specific requirements, so consult your provider for certainty.

       6. Using the .htaccess File for Added Security

The .htaccess file is like a security guard for your WordPress website. It ensures that your website’s links work correctly. Without it, you might see a lot of “404 Not Found” errors on your site.

Additionally, this file can help block unwanted visitors from specific places, allow access only to certain people, and prevent certain actions, like running certain programs, in certain parts of your site. Below, we’ll explain how to use .htaccess to make your WordPress site more secure.

Important Note: Before you make any changes to your .htaccess file, always make a copy of it. This way, if something goes wrong, you can easily restore your site.

Stopping PHP in Certain Folders

Bad actors often try to sneak in harmful code into the Uploads folder. Normally, this folder is for pictures and other media, not code.

To make your WordPress website safer, you can stop code from running in this folder. To do this, you create a new .htaccess file in the /wp-content/uploads/ folder with these rules:

<Files *.php>

deny from all


Protecting the wp-config.php File

The wp-config.php file in your main directory holds important details about your website. Hackers like to get their hands on it.

To protect this file and keep your WordPress site secure, use these .htaccess rules:

<files wp-config.php>

order allow,deny

deny from all



In 2023, securing your WordPress site is a continuous process in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Cyber threats persistently evolve, and new vulnerabilities are discovered regularly. By diligently applying the safety tips provided in this article, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and protect your website and the data it holds. 

Prioritize security, stay proactive with updates, and make the best use of security tools and best practices to safeguard your online presence. Keep in mind that a secure WordPress site is not only a matter of protecting data but also preserving your reputation and trust among your customers to keep your WordPress site safe and secure by implementing these critical security measures.

FAQs on Safety Tips For WordPress

1. What is the best way to perform backups?

Opt for a reliable backup plugin like UpdraftPlus and ensure that backup copies are stored in a secure, offsite location. Moreover, develop and test a comprehensive disaster recovery plan.

2. Are free security plugins effective?

Some free security plugins offer essential security features, but premium options often provide more extensive protection and support. Assess your specific requirements and budget when making your choice.

3. How can I evaluate the security of my hosting provider?

Research your hosting provider’s security features and reputation. Read customer reviews and opt for hosting services with a solid track record in security.

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