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Psychographic Targeting: Going Beyond Demographics in Digital Marketing 2024

Psychographic Targeting: Going Beyond Demographics in Digital Marketing 2024

Picture this: You promote your company on social media and notice only a tiny fraction of engagement, but no one is purchasing your excellent product.

You are posting consistently, employing all the proper hashtags, and targeting the ideal optimal similar audience for your perfect customer demographic. However, no one clicks through, and you are slipping possible leads. 

If you resonate with this sentiment, it’s time to focus on building a relevant marketing strategy— for that, you will require psychographics. Here’s everything you must know about employing psychographic targeting in your marketing campaigns.

How to Discover Psychographic Data?

Now that we know what psychographics are, how do we achieve them? We summarize a few significant ways below.

Interview existing clients

Right now, take a moment to think of your most useful existing client. Next time you interact, ask them a bit more about themselves. You can ask about their weekend activities and whether they have watched any exciting movies lately or found any fantastic vacation deals.

Depending on your bond with the individual, you can tell them precisely why you are asking and be more straightforward. If you are not in a business with that type of relationship with clients, search for buddies similar to your perfect client. 

When you ask the correct questions, you can discover what they do for leisure, whether they are bargain-hunters, what inspires them, and what their dreams are.

Want a broader perspective? Send out a customer survey and openly communicate—tell them your intention to better understand their interests. Most individuals are more than pleased to share.

Investigate website analytics

Do you prefer a more discreet approach? Examine your current site content and prior special offers. What has prompted individuals to click, call, or make purchases in the past?

It might need some testing if you haven’t been closely monitoring your analytics. Altogether, this approach can be quite useful, as people’s true motivations are indicated by the steps they take. 

They might not consider themselves bargain-hunters, but if a discount offer influenced their decision, that shows their taste for bargains.


Use focus groups

A focus group consists of individuals, usually unrelated to your company, who discuss your brand and products. 

For example, if you sell hiking gear, your focus group should comprise avid hikers — not just anyone with a general interest.

Focus groups are more adequate when you prepare a reflective questionnaire that enables you to find the requirements of your target audience. 

Gather data from market research companies.

If you already have a nuanced opinion of what your target individual seems like, you can utilize that info to analyze on your own. You can gather the data you require from businesses that have already analyzed your target vertical.

Now that you have obtained the data, it’s time to use it in your marketing drives. We will continue with the example of the healthy program.

Psychographic Marketing

We have collected some hypothetical data using the methods outlined in the prior section, so let’s use our data for our marketing campaigns.

Encourage your buyer based on their requirements.

You now understand what is essential to your customers, so you will know how to encourage them and offer them what they require to make a buying decision.

Providing bottomless deals isn’t going to drag them. Instead, they like to hear that your nutritional counseling has worked for others. They also want to know that it will enhance their health without a massive time dedication. 

In your drive, you will emphasize customer testimonials to plead to them.

Meet them where they are at

You know that your target customer spends their free time on Pinterest. Thus, you can stop spending your finances on newspaper, YouTube, Facebook, and magazine ads.

Instead, share efficient household and nutrition information on your Pinterest for Business account. 

You can also give them ideas for fun things with family and friends. Analyze what that tells you about them and watch what they re-pin. Did they like the one about the smiley-face veg platters for a post-school snack? Offer them more manners to help their children eat well. 

Capitalize on their priorities, hobbies, and interests.

Now that you know that family and career are essential to your target customer, you will need to share reports emphasizing the influence that well-being has on job performance and advice on making workouts fun for children. 

In your ads, you must add photos of a healthy parent relishing time with their children.

Learning more about their interests and hobbies will help you decide what pictures to use in your next ad and what to blog about. 

Your target customer adores baking, so you must add healthy baking recipes to your Instagram, Pinterest, and blog.

Add a tailored call to action.


Last, you will add a customized call to action that aligns with the specific needs, interests, priorities, and values of your target audience. For example, at the end of your ad, you might say, “Embark on your journey to a healthy lifestyle now—click here to get started.”

You might pair that with a picture of the individual your target customer desires to become. That individual may be a fit older version of themselves, a person with a defined physique, or someone with time to do what they like. 

The photo you pick will rely on the psychographic profile you have made for your target audience.

Psychographics Examples

Personality traits, interests, lifecycle stage, beliefs or attitudes, and activities are the most famous psychographics. 

Personality Traits

What is your target audience like? Are they the individuals who analyze a product broadly before purchasing it? Or do they love to take chances and test something new? Knowing the character traits of your target audience can help you write language that attracts them precisely.

If you would like to spend as little time as possible on selecting character traits, we’d suggest putting your target buyer on one side of a binary:

  • Extraverted vs. Introverted
  • Pragmatic vs Idealist
  • Creative vs. “By-the-books”
  • Emotional thinker vs. Logical thinker
  • Spontaneous vs Planner

Make your binaries and choose the wording and imagery of your marketing drive.

Lifecycle Stage

Lifecycle marketing involves understanding where your target buyer stands in their buying lifecycle. Is your target customer conscious of the product or likely solution yet? Have they contacted your business?

The lifecycle stages are as follows:

Knowing your target buyer’s lifecycle stage can aid you in determining which marketing channels you should employ.


What’s your target customer curious about? Touch upon those attractions in your marketing drive, and you will be much nearer to bringing their business.

For example, if you sell water bottles and choose a target customer who is quite interested in trekking, you may create a campaign featuring a photo of an individual trekking with your water bottle. 

You then target that drive to people who have expressed curiosity about hiking equipment.

Attitudes or Beliefs

Your target customer’s beliefs or attitudes tell how they witness the world. 

Continuing the instance of the nutritional program above, you may discover that your target audience keeps the body positivity campaign and considers that “healthy” seems different for various people. 

In your movement, you may add images of individuals of all sizes who are equally fit or on the way to healthfulness.


Whereas interests wrap events your customer may not partake in, activities refer to what your audience usually does in their extra time. Do they like to spend time on Facebook or prefer to see the most recent Netflix show?

A buyer’s activities can inform you about what time, resources, and funds they have already spent participating in.


Understanding your target customers’ psychographic profiles can help you plead precisely to them. 

You will select a more profitable marketing channel, make more helpful imagery, or pick adequate wording to help your customers imagine themselves utilizing your product. 

Consequently, you will develop more suitable leads than you believed possible, improving ROI from your marketing drives.


Why is psychographic data more effective than demographic data?

In contrast, psychographics estimate consumer appeals and attitudes instead of accurate demographic data. They can offer profound insights into customer traits that complement the data available from demographics.

Can demographics and psychographics be employed together?

Psychographics rely on demographic data and should be developed after creating demographic profiles. They are connected, and each influences the other. Vital information can be missed if psychographics are utilized alone.

What is an example of a psychographic demographic?

Psychographic examples contain grouping buyers based on interests, social status, and beliefs. For example, an automobile manufacturer may utilize psychographic segmentation to know what its buyers care about to make marketing campaigns and products geared toward those people.

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