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How to Redirect 404 Page to the Home Page in WordPress?

Have you ever landed on a 404 error page while browsing any random website? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Instead of leaving your visitors stranded on a dead-end error page, why not redirect 404 page to your home page, where they can continue exploring your content? In this guide, we’ll walk through two methods to redirect this error page to the home page in WordPress, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Why Redirect 404 Pages? 

Redirect 404 Page

Redirecting an error page to the home page serves several purposes:

  1. Improving User Experience: When a visitor lands on a 404 error page, it’s often a dead-end, leaving them frustrated and likely to leave your site. Redirect 404 page to the home page ensures they can continue browsing your content, reducing the likelihood of them bouncing off your site.
  2. Retaining Visitors: By guiding visitors back to your home page, you have the opportunity to retain their interest and engagement. They may explore other areas of your website, discover more content, or take desired actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  3. Maintaining SEO Value: A 404 error page can harm your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, especially if there are broken links pointing to it. Redirect 404 page to relevant content, such as the home page, helps preserve the SEO value and ensures that search engine crawlers can still index and rank your site effectively.
  4. Correcting Mistyped URLs: Visitors may sometimes mistype URLs or follow broken links from external sources. Redirect 404 page to the home page provides a graceful way to handle such situations and prevent visitors from encountering dead-end pages.

Also Read: How to Fix WordPress 404 Error “Page Not Found” in 7 Easy Steps

Methods to Redirect 404 Pages to the Home page 

Method 1: Using a Plugin

1. Install and Activate the Redirection Plugin: Start by logging in to your WordPress dashboard. Go to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New.” Search for a plugin called “Redirection” and install it. Once installed, activate the plugin.

Redirect 404 Page

2. Configure the Redirection: After activating the plugin, search for the “Tools” section in your dashboard and select “Redirection.” Here, you’ll see options to set up redirection rules.

Redirect 404 Page

3. Create a New Redirection Rule: In the plugin settings, go to the “Redirects” section. Click on the “Add New” to create a new redirection rule. In the Source URL field, enter “/404” (without quotes). In the Target URL field, enter “/” (without quotes), which represents your home page.

4. Save the Redirection Rule: Once you’ve entered the source and target URLs, click on the “Add Redirect” button to save your redirection rule.

5. Test the Redirection: Open a new browser tab and type in a non-existent URL on your website (e.g., You should be automatically redirected to your home page.

Redirect 404 Page

Method 2: Editing the Theme’s 404.php File

1. Access Your WordPress Theme Files: Use an FTP client service or the file manager offered by your web hosting provider, which can be found in Appearance>>Theme File Editor. On the right side of the page, the directory of your WordPress theme can be seen. Look for the file named “404.php.”

Redirect 404 Page

2. Edit the 404.php File: Download the 404.php file to your computer and open it using a text editor. If you don’t have a 404.php file, you can create one by duplicating the index.php file in your theme directory and renaming it to 404.php.

3. Add the Redirect Code: Inside the 404.php file, add the following PHP code snippet at the top of the file before any other content:


   header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

   header("Location: " . get_bloginfo('url'));




redirect 404 page

4. Save and Upload the File: After successfully adding the code snippet and saving the changes to the 404.php file in FTP, upload the back to your WordPress theme directory, replacing the existing file if prompted. If you are using a theme file editor, just save the changes. 

5. Test the Redirection: Once the file is uploaded, test the process to redirect 404 page by typing in a non-existent URL on your website as mentioned above. You should be redirected to your home page automatically.

By following either of these methods, you can ensure that visitors who encounter a 404 error on your WordPress site are seamlessly redirected to your home page, improving their user experience and reducing bounce rates.


Ensuring a smooth user experience on your WordPress website involves more than just creating compelling content and attractive design—it also requires effective error handling. Redirect 404 page to the home page is a proactive measure to guide visitors back on track when they encounter a dead-end. Whether you choose to implement the redirection through a plugin or by editing your theme’s files, the goal remains the same: to retain visitors, preserve SEO value, and maintain a positive impression of your site. 

By taking this simple yet impactful step to redirect 404 page, you can turn a potential frustration into an opportunity to engage and delight your audience, ultimately contributing to the success of your website. So, why leave visitors stranded on a 404 error page when you can redirect them to the heart of your content? Enhance your WordPress site today and ensure every visitor’s journey leads them back to where they belong—the home page.


Can I customize the redirect 404 page destination to something other than the home page?

Yes, you can customize the redirection destination to any relevant page on your website. While redirecting to the home page is a common practice, you can choose to redirect to a specific landing page, category page, or another relevant destination.

Are there any negative effects to redirect 404 pages?

When done correctly, redirect 404 pages should not have any negative effects. However, improper redirections, such as redirecting all 404 errors to the home page indiscriminately, can dilute the user experience and confuse visitors. It’s important to ensure that redirections are relevant and maintain the integrity of your website’s structure.

How can I monitor and manage 404 errors on my WordPress site?

You can monitor and manage 404 errors on your WordPress site using various tools and plugins. Many SEO plugins offer features to track 404 errors and provide options to handle them effectively. Moreover, you can make use of Google Search Console to identify crawl errors, including 404 pages, and take corrective actions.

Will redirecting 404 error pages affect my website’s SEO performance?

Redirecting 404 error pages properly should not negatively impact your website’s SEO performance. In fact, handling 404 errors effectively by redirecting them to relevant pages can help preserve the SEO value of your site and maintain a positive user experience.

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