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How to Change Link Color in WordPress

In today’s digital epoch, having an attractive and user-friendly website is crucial for success. One important element of web design is the color scheme, specifically, the color of your website’s links. The link color not only affects the aesthetics of your site but also plays a role in user experience and accessibility.

If you’re a WordPress user looking to change the link color on your website, you’re in luck! WordPress offers various methods to customize your link colors, whether you want to go with a pre-designed theme or make manual CSS changes.

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of changing link color in WordPress. But before we dive into the methods, let’s first understand the importance of link color in web design and why it matters for your website’s overall appearance and user experience.

Understanding the Importance of Link Color in Web Design

Links are an integral part of any website as they connect different pages and provide navigation for users. In the world of web designing, the color of these links holds significant importance. The link color not only affects the visual appeal of your website but also plays a crucial role in user experience, accessibility, and even brand recognition.

The Visual Impact of Link Color

– The color of links can greatly impact the overall aesthetics of your website. It can either complement or clash with your chosen color scheme, affecting the overall visual appeal.

– Link color should be chosen carefully to ensure readability and visibility, especially against the background color of your website.

– The right link color can enhance the user experience by guiding visitors and drawing attention to important elements.

User Experience and Navigation

– Link color helps users easily identify clickable elements and navigate through your website.

– A well-chosen link color can create a clear visual hierarchy, guiding users to important sections or calls to action.

– Consistent link colors throughout your website provide a sense of familiarity and improve user navigation.

Accessibility Considerations

– Link color plays a crucial role in web accessibility, ensuring that all users, including those with visual impairments, can easily identify and interact with links.

– The contrast between link color and background color should meet accessibility standards to ensure readability for users with visual disabilities.

– By choosing appropriate link colors, you can make your website more inclusive, appealing, and accessible to a wider audience.

Branding and Recognition

– Link color can be used strategically to align with your brand identity and produce a cohesive visual experience for users.

– Consistently using your brand’s color palette for links helps reinforce brand recognition and strengthens the overall brand image.

– Customizing link colors allows you to create a new and memorable browsing experience for your visitors.

Understanding the importance of link color in web design sets the foundation for creating a visually appealing, user-friendly, and accessible website. Now that we have explored the reasons why link color matters, let’s move on to the practical aspect of changing link color in WordPress.

Necessary Tools and Access to Change the Link Color 

Before you can start changing the link color in WordPress, there are a few essential things you need to have in place and access to. This section will cover the necessary tools and steps to get started with the process.

Understanding WordPress Themes and CSS

WordPress themes control the overall appearance and layout of your website, including the link color.

– Familiarize yourself with the concept of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), a language used to signify the visual style of a web page.

– Understanding how themes and CSS work together will enable you to make changes to your link color effectively.

By ensuring you have a clear objective, access to your WordPress admin dashboard, and a basic understanding of themes and CSS, you are ready to dive into the methods of changing link color in WordPress. In the next sections, we will explore two different approaches: using the WordPress Customizer and modifying CSS code.

Method 1: Changing Link Color via WordPress Customizer

Changing the link color through the WordPress Customizer is a user-friendly and straightforward method. The WordPress Customizer allows you to modify various aspects of your website’s appearance, including the link color. In this section, we will walk you through the steps involved in changing the link color using the WordPress Customizer.

  1. Navigating to the WordPress Customizer
  2. From your WordPress admin dashboard, locate and click on “Appearance” in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. In the dropdown menu, click on “Customize.” This will open the WordPress Customizer interface. Within the Customizer, you will see a live preview of your website on the right side, with various customization options on the left.
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  1. Click on the link whose color is to be changed. The block tab will appear above the block where the link is present. 
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  1. Click on the dropdown menu option to expand it and reveal additional customization settings.
  2. Click on the “Highlight” option to access the color options.
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  1. Choose a New Link Color. 
  2. In the color options, you can either select a predefined color or use a color picker to choose a custom color.
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  1. Explore the fabulous color options and choose the one that best aligns with your website’s design and branding.
  2. Apply and save changes. 
  3. After selecting your desired link color, review the changes in the live preview to ensure it matches your expectations.
  4. If you are satisfied with the new link color, click on the “Save” or “Publish” button within the Customizer to apply the changes to your website.
  5. The link color will be updated instantly, and visitors to your website will see the new link color from that point forward.
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Using the WordPress Customizer is a convenient method for changing the link color on your website. It offers a visual preview of the changes, making it easy to experiment and find the perfect color to enhance your website’s design. However, if you prefer a more advanced and precise approach, you can also change the link color by modifying the CSS code, which we will explore in the next section.

Method 2: Changing Link Color via CSS

Changing the link color via CSS provides you with more flexibility and control over the customization process. By modifying the CSS code, you can precisely define the link color and apply it to specific elements on your website. In this section, we will guide you through the steps involved in changing the link color using CSS.

  1. From your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to “Post” in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click on “All Posts” and select the post where the link is present. 
  3. Right-click on the link you want to change and select “Inspect” from the context menu.
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  1. The web inspector tool will open, highlighting the HTML and CSS code associated with the selected element. Look for the CSS selector that targets the link. Scroll through the code until you find the color code. 
  2. To change the link color to, for example red color, use the following code: color:#CF2E2E;.
  3. Make sure to save your changes after adding the CSS code.
  4. Preview and refine the link color. 
  5. After saving the CSS changes, visit your live website to see the updated link color.
  6. If the link color doesn’t appear as desired, you may need to adjust the CSS selector or experiment with different color values.

Changing the link color via CSS allows for more precise customization, giving you full control over the appearance of your links. By understanding CSS selectors and properties, you can modify the link color to align with your website’s design and branding. However, it’s important to exercise caution when making changes to the CSS code, as incorrect modifications may affect the overall functionality and appearance of your website.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

While changing the link color in WordPress, you may encounter certain issues or face challenges along the way. This section will provide you with troubleshooting tips and address common problems that may arise during the process.

Dealing with Unchanged Link Colors

  • If you have followed the steps to change the link color but notice that the changes are not reflecting on your website, there could be a few reasons for this issue.
  • Double-check that you have correctly identified and targeted the CSS selector for the links you want to modify.
  • Make sure that there are no conflicting CSS rules overriding your link color changes. Inspect the CSS code using browser developer tools to identify any conflicting styles.
  • Clear your browser cache.

Resolving Conflicts with Theme Settings

  • In some cases, the link color may be controlled by your theme’s settings rather than the CSS code. Check your theme’s customization options or settings panel to see if there are specific settings for link colors.
  • If you find theme settings for link colors, try adjusting them to achieve the desired result.
  • If the theme settings do not provide the necessary customization options, you can override them by using the CSS code method mentioned earlier.

Understanding CSS Specificity and Cascade

  • CSS specificity determines which styles take priority when multiple CSS rules target the same element. If you are experiencing unexpected link color behavior, it could be due to CSS specificity conflicts.
  • Make sure that your CSS selector has sufficient specificity to override any conflicting styles.
  • You can increase specificity by using more specific selectors or by adding an ID or class to the HTML element you want to target.

By troubleshooting and addressing these common issues, you can overcome obstacles and successfully change the link color in WordPress. Remember to save your changes, clear caches, and refresh your website to ensure that the modifications take effect. If you encounter persistent issues, consider seeking assistance from WordPress support forums or consulting with a developer for advanced troubleshooting.


Congratulations! You now have the knowledge and tools to confidently change the link color in WordPress, whether it’s through the user-friendly WordPress Customizer or by modifying the CSS code. By customizing the link color, you can create a visually appealing and cohesive website that aligns with your branding and enhances the user experience.

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