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How To Kill MYSQL Queries In 2024

Kill MYSQL Queries

Managing and terminating MySQL processes and queries is a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal database performance. In 2024, as the digital landscape evolves, here are various effective methods to address MySQL processes. It’s worth mentioning that with reliable WooCommerce hosting providers, many of these manual interventions may not be necessary for website stability.

Adopting the following strategies can significantly contribute to maintaining a robust MySQL database environment. However, it’s essential to note that advancements in hosting technologies, particularly those provided by reputable WooCommerce hosting services, can alleviate the need for manual intervention, ensuring seamless website performance in 2024.

  1. Know the list of Processes

Execute the following command:

show processlist;


This command displays all active connections to the server, presenting details such as thread IDs, User, Host, DB, Time, Status, Info, and more.

Ensure you possess administrative privileges before running this command. The output of the command provides information about the queries currently in progress.

  1. Kill a Particular Thread

If you possess the “Thread ID,” you have the ability to terminate that specific thread using the kill command.

Simply execute the subsequent command:


kill thread_id;


As an illustration, if the thread ID is 33, you can implement the following command to terminate this thread:


kill 33;

  1. Using CONCAT to kill multiple MySQL Processes

As MySQL lacks a comprehensive “kill” command, you can employ the “concat” function to generate kill commands based on the Process list table. There are various methods to achieve this:

Method 1:

Execute the following command:



FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user <> 'system user'; 


This command will terminate all active MySQL queries.

Method 2:

You can create a table from the process list. Initially, run:


SELECT * FROM processlist\G;


Subsequently, use the following:


SELECT CONCAT('KILL ',id,';') AS kill_list FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user='root' AND info = 'SELECT * FROM processlist';


This will produce an output similar to:



| kill_list |


| KILL 1; |

| KILL 2; |

| KILL 3; |

| KILL 4; |



You now have the option to employ any of the methods below to terminate all threads:

By manually editing the text:

Save this result in a text file and eliminate pipes, plus signs, and dashes. Afterward, execute all kill commands in MySQL. This action will terminate all active processes.

In the context of 2024, it’s crucial to note the continued importance of data management and system optimization. As technology advances, database administration practices evolve, emphasizing the significance of maintaining streamlined processes. Keeping databases organized and efficient remains a fundamental aspect of ensuring optimal system performance.

Moreover, in the rapidly changing landscape of technology, cybersecurity measures have become even more critical. Ensuring that sensitive data is handled securely is imperative, and routine updates and maintenance are essential components of a robust security strategy.

By using a command to create an output file in Mysql

Execute the given command:


SELECT CONCAT('KILL ', id, ';') AS run_this 

FROM information_schema.processlist 

WHERE user='root' AND info = 'SELECT * FROM processlist' 

INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/kill_list.txt';


This command generates a text file named “kill_list” in the ‘/tmp/’ directory. Simply remove the first line from the “kill_list” text file, as it is not a valid MySQL command.

After editing, you can execute the statements in MySQL. This action will terminate all threads.

Alternatively, you have the option to import this file to simultaneously terminate multiple MySQL queries:


mysql -uroot -p{yourpassword} < /tmp/kill_list.txt

  1. Kill All Processes

Consider utilizing the subsequent query to terminate all processes.


mysql -e "show full processlist;" -ss | awk '{print "KILL "$1";"}' | mysql
  1. Using a PHP script

You have the option to employ a PHP script similar to the one below:


$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST");

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

    $process_id = $row["Id"];

    if ($row["Time"] > 10) {

        $sql = "KILL $process_id";

        mysqli_query($connection, $sql);



  1. Using Stored Procedure To Exempt Current Processes

-- Create a stored procedure to terminate all processes individually, excluding the ones currently in use.

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS kill_other_processes;


CREATE PROCEDURE kill_other_processes() 


  DECLARE finished INT DEFAULT 0; 

  DECLARE proc_id INT; 

  DECLARE proc_id_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT id

  FROM information_schema.processlist; 


  OPEN proc_id_cursor;

  proc_id_cursor_loop: LOOP

     FETCH proc_id_cursor INTO proc_id; 

    IF finished = 1 THEN 

       LEAVE proc_id_cursor_loop; 

    END IF; 

    IF proc_id <> CONNECTION_ID() THEN  

     KILL proc_id; 

    END IF; 

  END LOOP proc_id_cursor_loop; 

  CLOSE proc_id_cursor;



Use the subsequent command to carry out the stored procedure:

CALL kill_other_processes();

  1. Stored Procedure To Kill Processes of A Particular User

You can also design a stored procedure that ends all processes related to a certain user. 

The following SQL script demonstrates this functionality:


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS kill_user_processes$$  

CREATE PROCEDURE `kill_user_processes`(   

  IN user_to_kill VARCHAR(255)



   DECLARE name_val VARCHAR(255);

   DECLARE no_more_rows BOOLEAN;

   DECLARE loop_cntr INT DEFAULT 0;

   DECLARE num_rows INT DEFAULT 0;

   DECLARE friends_cur CURSOR FOR

     SELECT CONCAT('KILL ',id,';') FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE USER=user_to_kill;


    SET no_more_rows = TRUE; 

  OPEN friends_cur; 


   the_loop: LOOP 

    FETCH friends_cur

    INTO name_val;

     IF no_more_rows THEN 

        CLOSE friends_cur;

         LEAVE the_loop;

     END IF;

  SET @s = name_val;

     PREPARE stmt FROM @s;

     EXECUTE stmt; 


SELECT name_val;

SET loop_cntr = loop_cntr + 1;   

END LOOP the_loop;   

SELECT num_rows, loop_cntr; 

END $$ 



To utilize the procedure, simply call it with the username of the database user whose processes you intend to terminate. For example, if the user is ‘bob’, you can execute:


CALL kill_user_processes('bob')


By executing these commands, you can effectively terminate MySQL queries, processes, or threads. Notably, the “show processlist” command is valuable for identifying the methods that need termination. Since MySQL lacks a single command to terminate all processes, this workaround provides a practical solution. We trust this explanation has been helpful. Feel free to share any alternative approaches in the comments.


The  year 2024 brings forth an evolving landscape in the realm of MySQL query management. The demonstrated approach of creating a stored procedure, as outlined in this guide, provides a targeted and effective method for terminating specific user processes. By harnessing the power of SQL commands and cursor manipulation, users can proactively manage and eliminate unwanted queries.

The absence of a single, comprehensive command to terminate all processes necessitates innovative workarounds. This methodology underscores the dynamic nature of database management, prompting users to explore tailored solutions for query termination. As technology continues to advance, the adaptability showcased in this procedure ensures a practical response to the evolving challenges in MySQL query management.


1. How can I terminate MySQL queries using the stored procedure method in 2024?   

To terminate MySQL queries in 2024, you can utilize a stored procedure approach as outlined in the provided guide. Simply create and execute the stored procedure, specifying the username of the target database user.

2. Is it possible to terminate all MySQL processes with a single command in 2024?

No, as of 2024, there is no single command in MySQL to terminate all processes. The workaround involves using a stored procedure to selectively terminate processes associated with a specific user.

3. Are there alternative methods for killing MySQL queries in the current database landscape?

While the provided stored procedure method is demonstrated as an effective approach, alternative methods may exist. Exploring the evolving landscape of database management tools and technologies is recommended for comprehensive query termination solutions.

4. Can the procedure outlined be adapted for use in different database environments beyond MySQL in 2024?

The provided stored procedure is specific to MySQL. While the fundamental concepts may be applicable, it is crucial to verify compatibility and adapt the approach accordingly when dealing with different database management systems.

5. How does the absence of a unified command to terminate all processes impact MySQL query management strategies in 2024?

The absence of a single command underscores the dynamic nature of MySQL query management. It necessitates innovative solutions, such as the stored procedure method, and encourages users to tailor their approaches based on evolving challenges and technological advancements in the database landscape.

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