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How to Update Old Gutenberg Posts with New Gutenberg Block Editor in 2024

Wondering how to update your outdated blog posts to the Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress?

Some readers might be hesitant to abandon the old Classic Editor, but the good news is that you can smoothly migrate to the Block Editor without affecting your existing articles.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on updating your older WordPress blog posts using the modern Gutenberg blocks.

With the introduction of WordPress 5.0, the familiar classic content editor for post and page editing was replaced by the new block editor known as Gutenberg.

Gutenberg’s block editor represents a distinct approach to content creation, making it considerably easier to craft visually appealing and dynamic content for both posts and pages.

So, let’s dive right into it.

Before we go any further

I’m using the Classic Editor plugin to switch back and forth between the new and old Gutenberg Block Editor.

Classic Editor

If, for some reason, you wish to switch back to the old editor, you can just install and activate the plugin.

  1. Open your dashboard and navigate to Writing Settings.
  2. Click View in the upper right corner, then choose Classic Editor.
  3. Verify that users are able to switch editors and that the default editor for all users is enabled.

To make any changes to the settings, scroll to the bottom and click Save Changes.

Classic Editor

Now that’s clear, let’s move on to the next step.

Converting old posts Gutenberg block to Gutenberg block editor

STEP 1: Edit your post or page

  • Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Find the page or post that you wish to change.
Gutenberg block editor

STEP 2: Check for classic content

  • Identify older, pre-Gutenberg content marked with a ‘Classic’ block.
  • If the Classic label is present, Gutenberg blocks can be created from your previous material.
Gutenberg block editor

STEP 3: Select the traditional content block.

  • Click on the content you want to convert, revealing the Classic block toolbar.
  • Access the toolbar menu (icon with 3 dots) on the right side of the toolbar.

STEP 4: Choose ‘Convert to Blocks’

  • Click on the ‘Convert to Blocks‘ option in the menu.
  • WordPress will then convert your old content, breaking it into different Gutenberg blocks.
Gutenberg block editor - convert to blocks

After result of ‘Convert to blocks’.


Wrapping up

Using the new Gutenberg Block Editor to update your older Guten-berg posts improves the appearance and usability of your work in a smooth and efficient manner. You may revitalize your old articles by simply switching from the Classic Editor to Guten-berg blocks by following the above-described methods. Accept Guten-berg’s cutting-edge editing features to produce dynamic, captivating material that connects with your readers.

FAQs on Gutenberg Block Editor

Why should I update my old Gutenberg posts?

Maintaining compatibility with the most recent WordPress features and making use of the Block Editor’s expanded capabilities to create a more dynamic and visually attractive presentation are two benefits of updating older Guten-berg posts.

Will updating affect my existing content?

No, updating to the new Guten-berg Block Editor is designed to be non-destructive. Your existing content will be converted into blocks seamlessly, preserving your original content structure.

Can I revert to the Classic Editor after updating?

Yes, even after updating to Guten-berg, you can still view and modify your material using the Classic Editor. The transition is flexible, allowing you to choose the editor that suits your preferences.

Are there any compatibility issues with older posts?

Generally, Guten-berg is backward compatible, and the update process is smooth. However, it’s recommended to check your posts after updating to ensure all elements are displayed correctly, especially if you have extensively customized layouts in the Classic Editor.

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