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How to Change Product Page Layout in WooCommerce?

Are you looking to revamp the product page layout in your WooCommerce store? With the right customization, you can create a visually stunning and user-friendly product page that will enhance your online store’s overall experience.

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of changing the product page layout in WooCommerce. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions on accessing the product page settings, customizing various elements such as image size and product description layout, and even show you how to adjust the display of related products.

Understanding WooCommerce and Product Page Layout

WooCommerce is a powerful and famous e-commerce plugin for WordPress that lets you develop and manage an online store. It presents a range of features and functionalities to help you sell products effectively. One key aspect of running an online store is designing an appealing and intuitive product page layout.

The product page layout refers to the arrangement and presentation of various elements on the page, such as product images, descriptions, pricing, and related products. It plays an imperative role in capturing the attention of potential customers and guiding them through the purchasing process.

To understand how to change the product page layout in WooCommerce, it’s important to have a solid understanding of how WooCommerce works and how it handles product pages. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Product Management: WooCommerce allows you to easily add, edit, and manage your products. Each product has its own dedicated page where customers can view the details and make a purchase.
  2. Customizability: WooCommerce offers a great range of customization options, letting you tailor the appearance and functionality of your online store. This includes the ability to modify the product page layout to match your branding and optimize the user experience.
  3. Themes and Templates: WooCommerce works in conjunction with WordPress themes and templates to display your products. Themes administer the overall layout of your website, while templates define the structure and layout of specific pages, including the product page.
  4. Hooks and Filters: WooCommerce offers a powerful system of hooks and filters that lets theme and plugin developers modify various aspects of the plugin’s functionality. This presents the ability to customize the product page layout by adding, removing, or rearranging elements.

By understanding these fundamental aspects of WooCommerce and product page layout, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the customization process and create a product page that resonates with your target audience. In the next section, we’ll explore how to access the product page settings in WooCommerce.

How to Change Your Product Page Layout

Customizing your product page layout in WooCommerce allows you to develop a unique and visually appealing presentation for your products. In this section, we will explore various customization options available to you, including changing the product image size, modifying the product description layout, and adjusting the display of related products. Let’s dive in!

1. Changing Product Image Size

Product images play a crucial role in showcasing your products effectively. WooCommerce provides options to adjust the size of the product images showcased on the product page. Here’s how you can change the product image size:

  • Go to the Product page in your WordPress admin dashboard and select “Products.”
  • Click on “Edit” displayed under product to edit the settings.
product pages
  • Product page settings will be displayed. 
product pages
  • Click on the “Product Image” option displayed on the right panel of the product page and click on “Edit Image.” 
  • Choose from the predefined image sizes or enter custom dimensions to set the desired image size.
product pages
  • Save your changes to apply the new image size to your product pages.

Remember to consider the overall design and responsiveness of your website when choosing the product image size. Optimal image sizes can enhance the user experience and ensure your products are showcased in the best possible way.

2. Modifying Product Description Layout

The product description provides vital information about your products and can greatly influence the purchasing decisions of your customers. WooCommerce offers flexibility in customizing how the product description is displayed on the product page. Here’s how you can modify the product description layout:

  • Go to the Product page in your WordPress admin dashboard and select “Products.”
  • Click on “Edit” displayed under product to edit the settings.
  • Locate the “Product Description” option.
product pages
  • Choose the appropriate display option for the product description, such as showing the full description, using excerpts, or hiding it altogether.
  • Update or save your changes to apply the new product description layout.

Consider the length and complexity of your product descriptions when deciding on the layout. You want to ensure that the information is easily accessible and visually appealing to your customers.

3. Adjusting Related Products Display

Related products can be a valuable addition to your product page as they can increase cross-selling opportunities and help customers discover more of your offerings. WooCommerce allows you to control how related products are displayed on the product page. Here’s how you can adjust the related product display:

  • Go to the Products page on the dashboard and select “Products.”
  • Scroll down to the “Product Data” section and find the “Linked Products” option.
  • Choose whether you want to show or hide related products on the product page.
  • Set the number of related products you want to display for upsell or cross-sell.
product pages
  • Save your changes to apply the new related products display.

Experiment with varied settings to find the optimal balance between showcasing related products and maintaining a clean and uncluttered product page layout.

By customizing the product image size, product description layout, and related product display, you can create a product page layout that aligns with your branding and enhances the user experience. In the next section, we will explore the option of using themes and plugins to unlock even more layout options for your product pages.

Using Themes and Plugins for More Layout Options

Using themes and plugins can greatly expand your options for customizing the layout of your WooCommerce product pages. In this section, we will explore how to find compatible themes and plugins, how to install and configure them and understand their impact on your product page layout. Let’s get started!

1. Finding Compatible Themes and Plugins

When it comes to finding themes and plugins for your WooCommerce store, it’s important to choose ones that are compatible and specifically designed for WooCommerce. Here are some ways to find compatible themes and plugins:

  • Official WooCommerce Marketplace: Visit the official WooCommerce marketplace and browse through the extensive collection of themes and plugins specifically built for WooCommerce. You can filter the outcomes based on your requirements and preferences.
  • Third-Party Marketplaces: Explore popular third-party marketplaces, such as ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, where you can find a wide range of WooCommerce themes and plugins developed by various authors.
  • Online Research: Conduct online research to find recommendations and reviews from other WooCommerce users. Look for reputable sources, forums, and community platforms where users converse and share their experiences with different themes and plugins.

2. Installing and Configuring Themes/Plugins

Once you have found compatible themes and plugins, it’s time to install and configure them to unlock more layout options for your product pages. Here’s a general guide on how to install and configure themes and plugins:


  • Purchase and download the theme file from the respective marketplace or developer’s website.
  • In your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to “Appearance”> “Themes.”
product pages
  • Click on “Add New” and select the varied options to upload the theme file.
  • Activate the theme once it’s uploaded and installed.
  • Configure the theme settings, if any, through the theme options panel or the WordPress Customizer.


  • Purchase, download, and activate the plugin file from the respective marketplace or developer’s website.
  • In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Plugins”> “Add New.”
product pages
  • Click on “Upload Plugin” and choose the plugin file.
  • Activate the plugin once it’s uploaded and installed.
  • Configure the plugin settings, if any, through the plugin’s settings page or within the WooCommerce settings.

3. Understanding the Impact of Themes/Plugins on Layout

It’s important to note that themes and plugins can significantly impact the layout of your product pages. Some themes come with predefined templates and page builders that let you easily customize the layout without any coding knowledge. On the other hand, some plugins provide specific layout features or functionality that can be integrated into your existing theme.

When selecting themes and plugins, consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the chosen theme or plugin is compatible with the version of WooCommerce you are using. Check for any compatibility notes or requirements mentioned by the theme/plugin developer.
  • Features and Flexibility: Assess the features and flexibility offered by the theme or plugin. Look for options that align with your desired product page layout and customization goals.
  • Reviews and Support: Read reviews and check the support options provided by the theme/plugin developer. This will give you an idea of the reliability and assistance available in case you encounter any issues.

By using themes and plugins, you can tap into a vast array of layout options and customization features to create a truly unique and engaging product page layout. In the next section, we will address common layout issues that you may encounter and provide troubleshooting tips to resolve them.

Also Read: Bestselling Free WordPress Ecommerce Themes

Troubleshooting Common Layout Issues

Despite your best efforts, you may witness some common layout issues when customizing your product page layout in WooCommerce. In this section, we will address these issues and provide troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them. Let’s dive in!

1. Resolving Image Size Problems

One common issue you may face is image size problems, where the product images appear distorted or are not displaying properly. Here are some troubleshooting ways to resolve this issue:

  • Check Image Dimensions: Ensure that the dimensions of your product images match the recommended image size settings in WooCommerce. If the images are too small or too large, it can result in distortion or cropping.
  • Regenerate Thumbnails: If you have changed the image size settings or installed a new theme/plugin, regenerate the thumbnails to ensure that the images are resized and cropped correctly. You can use plugins like “Regenerate Thumbnails” to accomplish this.
Regenerate thumbnails
  • Check Theme Compatibility: Some themes may have their own image size settings or customizations that can override the WooCommerce settings. Go through the theme documentation or contact the theme developer for support and guidance on adjusting image sizes.

2. Fixing Layout Disruptions

Another common issue is layout disruptions, where elements on the product page appear misaligned or out of place. Here’s how you can troubleshoot and fix layout disruptions:

  • Check for CSS Conflicts: Inspect the product page using your browser’s developer tools and look for any CSS conflicts that may be causing the layout issues. Use CSS specificity or override the conflicting styles to restore the desired layout.
  • Review Custom Code Changes: If you have made custom code changes to modify the product page layout, review your modifications to ensure there are no errors or conflicts. Undo the changes or seek assistance from a developer if necessary.
  • Disable Conflicting Plugins: Temporarily deactivate any recently installed plugins to determine if they are causing the layout disruptions. Activate the plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugins and find alternative solutions or seek support from the plugin developer.

3. Addressing Compatibility Issues with Themes/Plugins

Compatibility issues can arise when using themes or plugins that are not fully compatible with the version of WooCommerce you are using. Here’s how you can address compatibility issues:

  • Update Themes and Plugins: Make sure that your themes and plugins are updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce. Check for updates routinely and apply them as soon as they become available.
  • Contact Theme/Plugin Developer: If you encounter compatibility issues, reach out to the theme or plugin developer for assistance. They may have specific recommendations or patches to address the compatibility problems.
  • Seek Developer Assistance: If compatibility issues persist and impact the functionality or layout of your product pages, consider consulting a developer with experience in WooCommerce to help resolve the compatibility problems.

By following these troubleshooting tricks and tips, you can resolve common layout issues that may arise during the customization of your product page layout in WooCommerce. Remember to test your changes and modifications thoroughly to ensure a seamless and visually appealing product page for your customers.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to change the product page layout in WooCommerce. With your newfound knowledge, you can create captivating and user-friendly product pages that enhance the shopping experience on your online store. Happy customizing!

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