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How To Add Snapchat Snapcode On A Website Or A WordPress Blog?

Snapchat is a powerful social media platform that’s valuable for both individuals and businesses. Its distinctive features and vibrant user community make it a unique way to engage with your audience. If you’re looking to enhance your presence on Snapchat, one effective strategy is to include your Snapcode on your WordPress website. 

This way, you can grow your Snapchat following through your WordPress site. A reader recently inquired about adding a Snapchat follow button to their website. Snapchat provides snapcodes, which allow others to scan and follow you on the platform.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how you can seamlessly integrate a Snapchat snapcode into your WordPress website.

What is the Snapchat Snapcode?

If you’re reading this piece, you likely have some experience with Snapchat or are familiar with it. If you haven’t given it a try yet, it’s worth exploring this app, which offers a lot of user-friendly features and is sure to bring a smile to your face.

In essence, Snapchat is a social network predominantly embraced by the younger generation. What sets it apart are a couple of key features. Firstly, the posts on Snapchat only stick around for 24 hours, adding an element of impermanence. Secondly, if someone takes a screenshot of your content, the app notifies you, offering an extra layer of privacy. These unique aspects distinguish Snapchat, or “Snap” as it’s popularly called, from the other social networks that have gained attention recently.

The Snapcode 

The Snapcode 

Snapchat offers another distinctive feature – the simplicity of adding Snap Users via Snapcode. This code functions akin to a QR Code. You utilize the Snapchat app to scan the Snap-code of the person or brand you desire, and they are instantly added to your list.

Numerous brands and individuals employ Snapchat as a strategic tool for engaging with their audience and followers. For those who utilize WordPress and Snapchat, we have an easy-to-follow tip. You can place your Snap-code on your website or blog. The process is straightforward, and we’ll guide you on how to do it.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Visit the Snapchat Snapcodes website.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. After logging in, click the designated button to download your Snapcode.

Upon clicking, you will receive a .zip file. Extract it, and inside, you’ll discover your Snap-code in two formats: snapcode.png and snapcode.svg. 

These are the QR codes that users can scan using Snapchat on their mobile devices. With your Snap-code in hand, the next step is to upload it to your WordPress site.

There are two ways to add Snapchat code in WordPress

To add your Snap-code to your WordPress site, which is an are image file, you can follow these steps:

Loading Manually:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Media” and select “Add New.”
  • Upload your Snapcode image.
  • Once uploaded, add this image to a side widget bar.
  • You can also utilize an image widget plugin for this purpose.
  • Moreover, you have the option to insert your Snapcode into your posts or other pages.

Using Snapchat Snapcode Widget

  • Another approach is to install and activate the “Snapchat Snapcode Widget” plugin.
  • After activation, visit the “Appearance” section and select “Widgets.”
  • Search the list of available widgets for the “Snapchat Snapcode” widget.
  • Drag this widget to your sidebar.

Once the widget is set:

  • To upload your “snapcode.png” image file, use the “Snapcode Upload” button.
  • You may also include your name if you’d like.
  • Finally, click “Update” to store the widget settings.


Integrating your Snapchat Snap-code into your WordPress website is a simple yet powerful way to increase your visibility and engage with your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make it easier for your website visitors to connect with you on Snapchat and expand your online presence. 

Remember to keep your Snap-code prominent, regularly update your Snapchat content, and encourage cross-promotion to maximize its effectiveness in connecting with your audience. Whether you’re a business or an individual, adding a Snap-code to your WordPress site can be a valuable addition to your online marketing strategy. Start harnessing the power of Snapchat Snap-codes today!

FAQs on Snapchat Snapcode

1. Can I add a Snapchat Snapcode to my WordPress sidebar?

Yes, you can add a Snapchat Snap-code to your WordPress sidebar. You can create a custom widget that includes your Snap-code image and place it in your sidebar using WordPress’s widget functionality. Simply follow the same steps to upload and insert the image into a custom HTML widget in your sidebar.

2. Is there a plugin for adding a Snapchat Snapcode to WordPress?

As of my knowledge, the cutoff date is in September 2021, and there weren’t any widely known plugins specifically designed for adding Snapchat Snap-codes to WordPress. However, the manual method described in this article is simple and effective. Be sure to check the WordPress plugin repository for any new plugins that may have been developed since then.

3. Can I change my Snapcode after adding it to my website?

Yes, you can change your Snap-code if you decide to update its appearance or if you create a new account. After generating a new Snap-code in the Snapchat app, follow the same steps to upload and insert the updated Snap-code image into your WordPress site.

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