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How to Add Custom Admin Notices to Enhance WordPress Admin Experience? 

WordPress, with its extensive customization options, allows developers to enhance user experience not only on the front end but also in the admin area. One such feature is the ability to add custom admin notices. These notices serve as a means to communicate important information, alerts, or reminders to users logged into the WordPress admin dashboard. In this guide, we’ll delve into the process of adding custom admin notices in WordPress.

Understanding Admin Notice

Admin Notice

Admin notices are messages displayed at the top of WordPress admin pages. They can be used to convey various types of information such as updates, warnings, reminders, or even promotional messages. WordPress core and plugins often utilize admin notices to communicate important messages to users.

Adding Custom Admin Notices Using a Plugin 

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin:

Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard.

Go to Plugins » Add New and search for “WP Custom Admin Interface.”

Install and activate the plugin.

Admin Notices

Step 2: Access Plugin Settings:

After activation, go to Custom Admin Interface » Admin Notice in the WordPress admin sidebar menu.

Admin Notices

You’ll find the plugin settings page, which resembles the Classic Editor interface.

Step 3: Insert Admin Notice Message:

Scroll down to find the text editor where you can insert your admin notice message.

You can use plain text or shortcode options provided above the visual editor.

Shortcodes dynamically generate content based on provided parameters. For example, [WEBSITE_URL] will be replaced with your website’s domain name.

Admin Notices

Step 4: Customize Notice Content:

Optionally, add images or other media files to your notice.

Use the toolbar above the text box to stylize the text according to your preferences.

Admin Notices

Step 5: Choose Notice Color:

Move down to select the color scheme for your custom admin notice.

Default options include:

  • Green for success messages.
  • Blue for non-urgent yet important information.
  • Yellow for warnings.
  • Red for errors.
Admin Notices

Step 6: Set Notice Expiration Date:

Specify the end date for the notice or leave it blank for no expiration.

Step 7: Enable Dismissal Option:

Decide whether to make the notice dismissable.

Recommended for green or blue notifications, but you may want to keep warnings or errors visible until resolved.

Step 8: Define Visibility Settings:

Choose whether the notice should be visible to everyone or specific user roles only.

If selecting specific roles, click the ‘+’ button to specify which roles should see the notice.

Step 9: Save Settings:

Once you’ve configured the custom admin notice to your satisfaction, click the ‘Save All Settings’ button to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can create and customize custom admin notices with ease, effectively communicating important information to users within your WordPress dashboard.

Adding Custom Admin Notices Programmatically

If you’re comfortable coding, crafting an admin notice from scratch isn’t overly complex. However, it does mean updating the code each time you want a new message, which can be tedious.

That’s why I recommend using the plugin mentioned earlier. It offers convenience without the need for coding skills, making it ideal for those unfamiliar with PHP.

To implement the notice manually, access your theme’s functions.php file. You can do this via cPanel, a File Manager plugin, or directly through WordPress’s theme file editor.

  1. Access the Functions File: Navigate to the functions.php file in your theme editor in “Appearance”.
Admin Notices
  1. Insert Code: Add the provided PHP code to the functions.php file to display the admin notice in WordPress.

 * Adding the Admin Notice


function wpb_admin_notice_warn() {

    echo '<div class="notice notice-warning is-dismissible">

          <p>Remember to add internal links to recently published posts!</p>



add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wpb_admin_notice_warn' );
Admin Notices

3. Save Changes: After pasting the code, save the functions.php file.

Once saved, return to your WordPress admin dashboard to view the message displayed by the notice.

  • Creating Notice Content: Within the functions file, you can craft the content of your custom admin notice using HTML markup and PHP code. This content can include messages, links, buttons, or any other elements necessary to convey the intended information to users.
  • Styling Notices: Custom admin notices can be styled using CSS to complement the design and branding of your WordPress site. You can apply styles to elements such as text color, background color, border, padding, and margins to ensure that the notices are visually appealing and attention-grabbing.
  • Adding Dismissibility: To enhance user experience, you can make custom admin notices dismissible by adding the is-dismissible class to the notice container. This allows users to hide the notice if they no longer wish to see it, providing them with control over their dashboard experience.
function custom_admin_notice() { ?> <div class="notice notice-success is-dismissible"> <p>This is a custom admin notice!</p> </div> <?php } add_action('admin_notices', 'custom_admin_notice');
  • Conditional Display: You can conditionally display custom admin notices based on specific criteria using PHP logic within the functions file. For example, you may only want to display a notice to users with certain roles or on specific admin pages. By incorporating conditional statements, you can tailor the visibility of your notices to meet the needs of your users.

Advanced Techniques to Add Admin Notices

For more advanced scenarios, you can explore additional techniques such as:

  • Persistent Notices: Storing notice dismissal status in the user meta or options table to make notices persistent across sessions.
  • AJAX-powered Notices: Using AJAX to fetch dynamic content for admin notices without refreshing the page.
  • Notice Positioning: Adjusting the positioning of admin notices using CSS or JavaScript.

Best Practices For Admin Notices

Admin Notices

When adding custom admin notices, it’s essential to adhere to best practices and ensure a seamless user experience:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure that your admin notices convey the intended message clearly and succinctly. Avoid unnecessary verbosity or ambiguity to prevent confusion among users.
  • Relevance and Timeliness: Display admin notices that are relevant and timely. Only communicate information that is essential or urgent for users to know at the moment. Avoid overwhelming users with irrelevant or outdated notices.
  • Moderation and Avoidance of Overuse: Use admin notices judiciously and avoid overloading the admin dashboard with excessive notices. Limit the number of notices displayed simultaneously to maintain a clutter-free and user-friendly interface.
  • Consistent Branding and Styling: Maintain consistency in branding and styling across all custom admin notices to create a cohesive user experience. Use consistent color schemes, typography, and visual elements that align with your website’s design aesthetics.
  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure that custom admin notices are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use high contrast colors, readable font sizes, and provide alternative text for images to make it feasible fot the users with visual impairments.
  • Testing Across Environments: Thoroughly test custom admin notices across different browsers, screen sizes, and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness. Verify that notices display correctly and are easily dismissible on various platforms.
  • User Control and Interaction: Provide users with control over custom admin notices by making them dismissible whenever possible. Allow users to dismiss notices if they are no longer relevant or if they prefer to hide them temporarily.
  • Localization and Internationalization: Consider localization and internationalization when adding custom admin notices. Ensure that notice messages can be easily translated into different languages to accommodate a diverse user base.
  • Security Considerations: Implement security best practices to prevent potential vulnerabilities associated with custom admin notices. Sanitize and validate user input to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and other security threats.
  • Documentation and User Guidance: Provide clear documentation or tooltips for users to understand the purpose and actions associated with custom admin notices. Offer guidance on how to interact with notices and what actions users should take if necessary.


Custom admin notices serve as a valuable tool for communicating important information to WordPress users within the admin dashboard. By leveraging hooks and customization options provided by WordPress, developers can create informative and user-friendly notices tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s delivering updates, alerts, or reminders, custom admin notices contribute to a more intuitive and engaging WordPress admin experience.


Is there a limit to the number of custom admin notices I can add?

There is no strict limit to the number of custom admin notices you can add, but it’s recommended to use them judiciously to avoid overwhelming users. Limit the number of notices displayed simultaneously to maintain a clutter-free interface.

Can I target specific users or user roles with custom admin notices?

Yes, many plugins and methods for adding custom admin notices allow you to target specific users or user roles. You can specify which roles should see the notice and customize visibility settings accordingly.

Are there any security considerations when adding custom admin notices?

Yes, it’s essential to implement security best practices when adding custom admin notices to prevent potential vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Sanitize and validate user input for security purposes.

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