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What Does WordPress’s rel=”noopener” Mean? (2024 Explained)

Are you wondering what rel=”noopener” means, what it does to your WordPress site, and why it is important for maintaining your site’s SEO and domain authority?

Well, in this guide, we’ll answer all your questions and show you how to add the rel=” noopener” to your website. 

So, let’s get started!

What is rel=”noopener”?

The “rel=noopener” attribute in HTML5 was created to enhance security by blocking unauthorized access from external sources. When you add rel=noopener to a link that directs to an external site, it stops harmful code from accessing your web page’s window object.


This measure is crucial because, without it, cyber attackers could potentially breach your site and steal sensitive data such as user details or cookies. To safeguard against this, WordPress automatically includes the rel=noopener attribute for any link set to open in a new tab.

For instance, if your WordPress site includes a blog post with an external link, applying rel=noopener ensures that if a user clicks on it to open in a new tab, malicious code won’t be able to infiltrate your site.

Here’s an example of a link with the rel=noopener attribute:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Example</a>

What Effect Does rel=”noopener” Have on WordPress SEO?

rel=”noopener” does not have any effect on SEO.

Some users avoid adding the rel=”noopener” feature because they believe it would negatively affect their WordPress SEO, even though it increases security for WordPress sites.

However, it’s only a myth.

It makes no difference to the SEO rankings of your website or the general functionality of WordPress.

What is the Difference Between “Nofollow” And “Noopener”?

There is a lot of confusion between rel= “noopener” and rel= “nofollow”. Still, these are distinctly different attributes.

The noopener property enhances WordPress security and guards against cross-site hacking on your website.

The nofollow property, on the other hand, stops your website from giving the connected website SEO link juice.

Search engines look for and view the nofollow attribute when users follow a link on your website. That being said, they do not consider the noopener tag.

Look for and consider the nofollow attribute when users follow a link on your website. That being said, they do not consider the noopener tag.

WordPress does not let you apply nofollow to your external links by default. You will want a plugin in order to implement nofollow to WordPress.

How to Disable rel=”noopener”?

If you wish to disable rel=”noopener” from being applied to your WordPress links (not advisable), continue reading.

The simplest approach to prevent rel=”noopener” from showing on your WordPress links is to use the Remove noreferrer plugin.

Remove noreferrer plugin

Simple Install and Activate the plugin. Go to Settings > Remove Noreferrer and select Posts or Pages you wish to disable rel= “noopener” from WordPress and click on Save Changes.

Save changes

And you’re done!

Wrapping up

Understanding WordPress’s rel=”noopener” attribute is crucial for maintaining website security. This attribute, introduced as part of the HTML5 specification, serves to protect against cross-origin exploitation by preventing malicious code from accessing the page’s window object when external links are opened. 

Despite misconceptions about its impact on SEO, rel=”noopener” does not affect search engine rankings or overall WordPress performance. Instead, it provides an essential layer of defense against potential cyber threats, contributing to a safer browsing experience for website visitors.

FAQs on rel=”noopener”

1. What is rel=”noopener” in WordPress?

rel=”noopener” is an attribute added to HTML links in WordPress to enhance security. It prevents external sites from accessing the window object of your webpage, thereby safeguarding against potential security vulnerabilities.

2. Does rel=”noopener” affect WordPress SEO?

No, rel=”noopener” does not impact WordPress SEO. It primarily serves as a security measure to protect against cross-origin exploitation and does not influence search engine rankings or website performance.

3. How does rel=”noopener” differ from rel=”nofollow”?

While rel= “nofollow” advises search engines not to give link authority to the connected website, rel= “noopener” concentrates on security by blocking unauthorized access to the window object. They serve a variety of purposes and have varying effects on how well websites operate and rank in search results.

4. Should I use rel=”noopener” for all external links in WordPress?

It’s generally recommended to use rel=”noopener” for external links in WordPress to bolster security. However, if you have specific requirements or concerns, you can assess whether its implementation aligns with your website’s goals and security needs.

5. Can I manually add rel= “noopener” to WordPress links?

Yes, you can manually add rel=”noopener” to WordPress links within the HTML editor. Alternatively, some WordPress plugins may offer automated solutions for implementing rel=”noopener” attributes across your website.

Here is the code to do manually on the HTML editor: 


// Add filter to modify TinyMCE editor settings

add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'smartwp_allow_unsafe_link_target' );

// Callback function to allow inclusion of rel="noopener"

function smartwp_allow_unsafe_link_target( $mceInit ) {

    // Enable inclusion of rel="noopener" attribute on links

    $mceInit['allow_unsafe_link_target'] = true;

    // Return modified initialization settings

    return $mceInit;



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