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The Power of Earned Links: A Definitive Guide for 2024

Understanding earned links and mastering strategies to acquire them is essential for content creators and marketers aiming for sustainable success in the digital landscape. Earned links, unlike purchased ones, are a testament to the quality, relevance, and value of your content. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the advantages of prioritizing earned links over buying them, provide actionable methods to boost your collection of earned links, and address common inquiries about this type of link building.

What are Earned Links?

earned links


Earned links, also known as natural links, are inbound links that a website earns organically due to the quality and relevance of its content. These links are not bought or solicited through direct exchanges; instead, they are voluntarily given by other website owners, bloggers, or content creators who recognize the value of your content and wish to share it with their audience.

For example, suppose we publish a comprehensive blog article on optimizing SEO header tags, covering topics such as best practices, common mistakes, and implementation tips. Due to the valuable insights provided in our post, reputable domains like ColibriWP and SpyFu may link back to our resource from their own content.

These earned links serve as powerful endorsements of your content’s authority and usefulness, significantly impacting your site’s search engine ranking and visibility.

How Can Foundational Links Maximize Your Site’s Potential? 

Benefits of Earned Links:

  1. Boosts Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google perceive earned links as votes of confidence in the quality and relevance of your content. Each earned link serves as a signal to search engines that your site is a valuable resource, potentially leading to higher rankings in search results. Given that backlinks are among Google’s most crucial ranking factors, prioritizing earned links is imperative for marketers, business owners, and SEO professionals alike.
  2. Increases Website Traffic: By securing links from reputable and relevant sites, you gain access to new audiences. Users who click on these links are often genuinely interested in your offerings, resulting in a boost in organic traffic to your website.
  3. Enhances Brand Authority and Credibility: Earned links stem from genuine appreciation for your content. When influential sites link to your site, it signals to their audience—and the broader online community—that your brand is reputable and authoritative within your niche.
  4. Contributes to Sustainable SEO: Unlike purchased links, which may lead to link penalties if detected by search engines, earned links are entirely organic. This makes them a crucial component of a sustainable SEO strategy that remains resilient to algorithm updates and changes over time.
  5. Facilitates Natural Network Growth: Earned links often pave the way for organic relationships with other content creators. This opens up opportunities for collaborations, guest posting, and other ventures that can further enhance your brand’s visibility and authority in the digital landscape.

Difference Between Earned Links and Buying Links:

Earned links and buying links represent contrasting approaches to SEO, each with its own set of implications. Let’s compare the two to determine which is more beneficial for SEO:

Earned Links:

  1. Genuine Endorsement: Earned links are a genuine endorsement of your site’s quality and relevance. They are obtained naturally based on the merit of your content.
  2. Long-term Benefits: Earned links contribute to sustainable SEO by enhancing your site’s authority and credibility over time. They signal to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of recognition.
  3. Compliance with Guidelines: Obtaining earned links aligns with Google’s guidelines and policies, ensuring that your SEO efforts remain ethical and compliant with industry standards.

Buying Links:

  1. Immediate Results: Buying links can yield immediate results in terms of boosting your site’s visibility and rankings. However, these results may be short-lived and come at a cost.
  2. Risk of Penalties: Purchasing links is against Google’s guidelines and can result in penalties if detected. This can harm your site’s reputation and visibility in search engine results.
  3. Lack of Relevance: Paid links may lack relevance to your content and target audience, diminishing their effectiveness in improving your site’s SEO performance.

Learn about bad links here.

Strategies to Get Earned Links:


Creating great content is a cornerstone of successful link-building strategies. But what exactly makes content stand out as “great”? Let’s delve into the key elements that define exceptional content:

  • Audience-Centric Approach: Great content puts the audience first. It resonates with readers by directly addressing their needs, questions, and pain points. Understanding the search intent behind target keywords is pivotal. By crafting content that aligns with what users are actively searching for, you increase the likelihood of engagement and link acquisition.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: In today’s era of information overload, clarity is paramount. Great content cuts through the clutter with clear, concise, and well-structured messaging. This ensures that readers can quickly grasp the key points being conveyed. Not only does this enhance the shareability of your content, but it also makes it more linkable, as other websites are more inclined to reference content that is easy to understand and digest.
  • Engaging Visual Elements: Visuals play a crucial role in captivating and retaining audience attention. Incorporating visually appealing elements such as infographics, videos, or custom illustrations can complement and enrich your message. Beyond mere aesthetics, visuals increase readability and retention, making your content more compelling for both linking and sharing purposes. Websites are more likely to reference content that includes captivating visuals, further enhancing your link-building efforts.
  • Originality and Uniqueness: Great content stands out by offering something fresh and unique. Recycling existing information found online won’t cut it. Instead, strive to provide fresh insights, perspectives, or solutions that haven’t been extensively covered elsewhere. Original content not only captures attention but also earns respect and recognition from other websites. Websites are more inclined to link to content that offers unique value, making originality a key factor in successful link-building endeavors.
The Power of Inbound Links in SEO: A Deep Dive


original content

Publishing original content, especially research and industry-relevant findings, can be a powerful strategy for acquiring earned links and establishing authority within your niche. Let’s explore the various benefits of this approach in detail:

  • Increased Link Acquisition: Original research and data-driven content naturally attract attention from industry professionals, bloggers, and journalists. By offering unique insights and valuable information, your content becomes a go-to source within your field. This heightened relevance increases the likelihood of earning backlinks from reputable websites, further bolstering your site’s authority and visibility.
  • Enhanced Content Value: Original research adds significant value to your content, making it more compelling and informative for your audience. By providing fresh perspectives, data-driven analysis, or industry surveys, you create resources that set your content apart from competitors. This unique value proposition attracts links organically as others recognize the depth and quality of your content.
  • Elevated Brand Authority: Publishing original research elevates your brand’s authority and credibility within your industry. When other websites reference your research or cite your findings, it serves as a powerful endorsement of your expertise. This not only contributes to building trust with your audience but also enhances your reputation as a thought leader in your field.
  • Increased Social Shares and Mentions: Original research often generates buzz on social media platforms and attracts mentions from media outlets and influencers. The unique insights and data presented in your research can spark discussions, leading to increased social shares and mentions across various channels. This amplifies the reach of your content and exposes it to new audiences, further increasing its potential for earning links.
  • Substantial Backlink Opportunities: Industry reports and research studies have the potential to generate a significant number of backlinks from high-authority websites. Examples like HubSpot’s “State of Marketing” report and Hootsuite’s “Social Media Trends” report demonstrate how original research can attract thousands of organic earned links from prominent publishers and internet companies. These backlinks not only boost your site’s SEO but also establish it as a go-to resource within your industry.
  • Long-Term Impact: While creating comprehensive industry reports may require significant time and resources, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. By publishing such reports periodically, typically once every six months to a year, you can consistently attract earned links and establish your website as a trusted source of valuable insights within your industry. This ongoing commitment to original research solidifies your position as a thought leader and ensures continued growth and relevance in the competitive landscape.
The Power of Outbound Links: Boosting Your SEO Game

3. Add Linkable Assets

linkable assets

Incorporating linkable assets into your blog posts is a highly effective strategy for not only generating valuable backlinks but also enhancing the overall value and engagement of your content. Let’s delve into the comprehensive details of how and why linkable assets can significantly boost your link acquisition efforts:

  • Types of Linkable Assets: Linkable assets encompass a diverse array of content formats designed to provide tangible value to your audience. These assets may include downloadable ebooks, templates, guides, or infographics. For instance, an infographic like the one crafted by WordStream on keyword placement for on-page SEO serves as a visually engaging aid that offers valuable insights to readers.
  • Backlink Generation: Linkable assets serve as invaluable resources that other websites and bloggers may find relevant and useful to reference in their own content. When content creators discover your linkable asset and recognize its relevance, they are more inclined to include it in their content, thereby providing a backlink to your website as the primary source of the asset.
  • Free Online Tools: Free online tools, such as mortgage calculators, budget planners, or domain name generators, represent exceptional linkable assets capable of attracting earned links. These tools offer practical utility to users and are frequently shared and linked to by other websites seeking to furnish valuable resources to their audience.
  • Standalone Pages vs. Embedded Assets: Linkable assets can be presented in two primary formats: standalone pages hosted on your website or embedded within relevant blog posts. Standalone pages, like Dave Ramsey’s Mortgage Calculator, offer users a dedicated space to access and interact with the tool. On the other hand, embedding linkable assets within blog posts enables seamless integration, providing additional value to readers within the context of the content.
  • Strategic Placement and Promotion: When embedding linkable assets in blog posts, strategic placement of calls-to-action (CTAs) is crucial to prompt readers to download or access the asset. For instance, HubSpot adeptly incorporates linkable assets into their blog articles, ensuring easy accessibility to readers and encouraging engagement with the content.
  • Enhanced Link Building Opportunities: By including linkable assets in your blog posts, you create numerous additional opportunities for other websites to link back to your content. Whether it’s an infographic, downloadable template, or interactive tool, each linkable asset offers unique value that incentivizes backlinks, thereby augmenting your website’s visibility and authority within your niche.
The Importance of Quality Backlinks in SEO




In an age where AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini can swiftly generate blog posts en masse, there’s a temptation to prioritize quantity over quality. However, for those aiming to cultivate valuable links and authentically engage their audience, one principle remains steadfast: quality reigns supreme over quantity without fail.

As noted by Lauren Richardson from Marketing Signals, a single meticulously crafted piece of content often holds more significance than a multitude of hastily produced blogs lacking depth or strategic intent.

Search engines, particularly Google, place a premium on content that delivers genuine value to users. By giving precedence to quality over quantity, your content stands a far better chance of securing higher rankings, thereby increasing visibility and creating more opportunities to accrue valuable backlinks.




Once you’ve invested time and effort into creating original and compelling articles, the next crucial step is to ensure they reach a wide audience. This can be achieved by sharing your newly published posts on your social media platforms and through your regular email newsletters.

While the primary goal is to organically attract links from other websites, manual link-building efforts can also be beneficial in securing initial links to newly created content. This proactive approach aids in improving SEO rankings and visibility, ultimately leading to more earned links over time.


The significance of earned links lies not only in their ability to enhance your search engine rankings but also in their indication of trustworthiness and relevance within your niche or industry. Unlike paid or manipulated links, earned links are a genuine endorsement from other online entities, which can greatly enhance your brand’s reputation and visibility.

Furthermore, earned links contribute to a sustainable and long-term SEO strategy. While they may take time and effort to accumulate, their organic nature means they are less susceptible to algorithm changes and penalties. By focusing on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you foster a community of followers who are more likely to share and link back to your material naturally.

FAQs on Earned Links:

Are all earned links beneficial for SEO?

While earned links are generally beneficial for SEO, not all earned links are created equal. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to earned links. Backlinks from reputable websites with high domain authority are more valuable than links from low-quality or spammy websites. Additionally, relevance plays a crucial role, so focus on earning links from websites that are relevant to your industry or niche.

How long does it take to see the impact of earned links on SEO?

The impact of earned links on SEO can vary depending on various factors, including the quality of the links, the competitiveness of your industry, and the algorithms of search engines. In general, it may take some time to see significant improvements in your website’s rankings as a result of earned links. However, consistently earning high-quality backlinks over time can contribute to long-term SEO success.

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