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Discover the Top Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress to Master Metrics  

Google Analytics has proven time and again to be an indispensable tool for evaluating website traffic and performance across various online ventures, be it eCommerce, affiliate marketing, or personal blogging. However, setting it up initially can pose a significant challenge for newcomers. 

That’s why stumbling upon plugins capable of handling the entire Google Analytics setup sans coding proved to be a game-changer when I was navigating the complexities of managing a website on my own. 

In this piece of content, I aim to highlight the top Google Analytics plugins for WordPress, streamlining the setup process and enhancing web analytics with valuable additional features.

Best Google Analytics Plugins 

1. GA Plugin 

Google Analytics Plugins 

GA Google Analytics plugin emerges as a lightweight and GDPR-compliant WordPress plugin, offering a free version with limited features. To unlock additional functionalities, upgrading to the pro version is necessary. Upon installation, activation, and insertion of your tracking ID, it seamlessly embeds Google Analytics data tracking code across all pages of your site. Noteworthy features include: 

  • Ability to disable tracking of admin-level users for accurate visitor data 
  • Easy customization of the tracking code
  • Exclusion of site stats from the admin panel, 

Cost: The free version is available, while the premium version commences at $15.

2. MonsterInsights

Google Analytics Plugins 

MonsterInsights stands out as the premier GA4 plugin for WordPress, serving as the preferred choice for a majority of WordPress sites leveraging Google Analytics, and rightfully so. This plugin streamlines the entire process, eliminating the necessity to engage a developer, delve into coding intricacies, or utilize the Google Tag Manager (GTM) for configuring GA4 reports. Instead, the plugin seamlessly handles these tasks without requiring any manual coding or script editing.

Its eCommerce addon effortlessly activates eCommerce tracking within GA4 reports, seamlessly integrating them into your WordPress dashboard for swift access. Similarly, the Forms addon simplifies form submissions tracking, obviating the need for GTM configuration, and enables tracking of impressions and conversions for WordPress forms, including compatibility with popular builders like WPForms, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Elementor Forms, and more.

Noteworthy features include: 

  •  Ability to view site stats and graphs directly within the WordPress dashboard
  • Eliminate the need for frequent switches to the Google Analytics website
  • Integration with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or MemberPress facilitates detailed tracking of important metrics such as conversion rate, transactions, and average order value.
  • EU Compliance to ensure GDPR and other EU privacy regulations compliance seamlessly
  • Download tracking functionality provides insights into the frequency of file downloads
  • Compatibility with popular WordPress themes

Cost: The free version is available, while the premium version costs $99.50 per year.

3. Analytify

analytify Google Analytics Plugins 

Analytify emerges as a freemium Google Analytics plugin, presenting a straightforward installation process for seamlessly integrating the tracking code into your site. Noteworthy features include: 

  • Enables viewing of analytics reports directly within the WordPress admin area
  • Allows checking of statistics for individual posts and pages
  • Offers various addons to augment functionality, such as tracking campaigns using UTM parameters
  • Facilitates eCommerce tracking for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, providing insights into sales, transactions, and revenue
  • Automatically sends email reports for every post, page, and general site statistics

Cost: A free version is available, while the premium version starts at $39.

4. WP Statistics 

WP statistics Google Analytics Plugins 

With WP Statistics, you can access your website statistics without the necessity of sending your users’ data elsewhere. Through Google Analytics integration, you gain insights into visitor numbers, their origins, preferred browsers, and search engines, as well as the popularity of your content, categories, tags, and users. This Google Analytics plugin prioritizes user privacy and ensures compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations. Noteworthy features include: 

  • Provides insights into visitors’ locations, referral sites, browsers, operating systems, and additional metrics
  • Presents data through filterable charts and graphs for easy analysis
  • Ensures GDPR compliance, alleviating concerns regarding user privacy.

Cost: Free, with premium addons available starting at $19 per year.

5. ExactMetrics

ExactMetrics Google Analytics Plugins 

With over 1 million active installs, ExactMetrics stands as one of the most popular Google Analytics plugins for WordPress. Its free plugin version is particularly advantageous for hobby sites or startups seeking to integrate Google Analytics seamlessly. Formerly known as Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (GADWP), ExactMetrics simplifies event tracking, including downloads, emails, affiliate links, and more, using Google Analytics data.

Noteworthy features include: 

– Tracking website visitors and accessing analytics reports directly within the WordPress dashboard.

– Providing crucial details such as page views, bounce rate, mobile analytics stats, organic searches, and traffic from social media platforms.

– Displaying real-time statistics, including visitor numbers, traffic sources, and geographical origins.

– Offering in-depth reports for individual pages and posts, facilitating analysis of on-page data and content optimization.

– Providing full event tracking for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Cost: A free version is available, while the premium version starts at $99.50 per year.

6. Conversios

Conversios Google Analytics Plugins 

Are you in search of a Google Analytics plugin tailored to track your WooCommerce store? Look no further than the Conversios plugin, a free WordPress tool designed specifically for WooCommerce integration. However, it’s important to note that while this free plugin offers valuable functionalities, it does come with some limitations. It exclusively supports simple products and may not be fully compatible with certain WordPress themes, such as custom or child themes.

Noteworthy features include:

– Utilization of Google Analytics’ eCommerce tracking feature to analyze user behavior and optimize your online store.

– Support for four types of behavior and performance reports: shopping, checkout, product, and sales.

– Assistance in tracking product clicks, impressions, and add-to-cart events across various sections of your website, including product pages, category pages, and featured product sections.

Cost: This plugin is entirely free.


Selecting the right Google Analytics plugin for your WordPress website is crucial for gaining valuable insights into your site’s performance and visitor behavior. While each plugin offers its own set of features and functionalities, MonsterInsights stands out as the top choice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these Google Analytics Plugins provide the necessary tools to optimize your website’s performance and make informed decisions. So, why wait? Elevate your website analytics today with these plugins. 

Also Read: Is Google Analytics Fool Proof?


Can I use multiple Google Analytics plugins on my WordPress site?

While it’s technically possible to use multiple Google Analytics plugins simultaneously, it’s generally not recommended as it can lead to conflicts and inaccuracies in your tracking data. It’s best to choose one reliable plugin that meets your needs and stick with it for consistent reporting.

Are Google Analytics plugins compatible with other WordPress plugins and themes?

In general, Google Analytics plugins for WordPress are developed to be compatible with a wide range of WordPress themes and plugins. However, it’s essential to check the compatibility of your chosen plugin with any specific themes or plugins you are using to avoid conflicts or issues.

Can I use a Google Analytics plugin on a multisite WordPress installation?

Yes, many Google Analytics plugins are compatible with multisite WordPress installations, allowing you to track analytics data across multiple sites from a single dashboard. However, it’s essential to verify the compatibility of your chosen plugin with multisite setups before installation.

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